New York City

The Securities Industry in New York City, October 2016

The role of the securities industry in New York City’s economy has changed since the financial crisis. The industry is smaller after shedding 8 percent of its jobs since 2007, while the rest of the City’s private sector has grown by 17 percent.

Wall Street Bonuses, January 2008

Average Wall Street bonuses in 2007 declined 4.7 percent from record levels in the prior year to $180,420 even though the credit crunch and market turmoil battered profits.

Wall Street Bonuses, January 2009

Cash bonuses paid by Wall Street firms to their New York City employees declined by 44 percent in 2008 in response to record losses suffered by the securities industry.

Wall Street Bonuses, February 2011

Cash bonuses paid to New York City securities industry employees declined by nearly 8 percent to $20.8 billion in 2010, about one third less than paid out in 2007 before the financial crisis.