New York City

New York City Financial Plan Report, May 2020

New York City has been the epicenter of the novel coronavirus pandemic in the United States. The economic, social and budgetary impacts have been unprecedented, while the loss of life has been unimaginable.

Assessing the Targeting of the Federal Coronavirus Relief Fund, September 2020

In March and April 2020, Congress passed four stimulus bills to address the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on the public health system and the economy. As Congress debates additional relief measures, it is worth reviewing the targeting of the initial funding in order to inform new policy to counter the virus and its economic effects.

DiNapoli: Feds Must Step Up or NYC Metro Region Faces End of Public Transit As We Know It

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli released the following statement today in response to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s release of its November budget and financial plan:

“Our regional transit system is on the edge of a precipice. Without a significant infusion of federal funds, the region faces service cuts in 2021 that would change public transit as we know it. It’s too late for federal help to assist the MTA this year, forcing it to borrow almost $3 billion to get through 2020 and saddling it with even more debt in the coming years.

DiNapoli: NYC Needs to Develop Comprehensive Plan to Manage Pandemic-Battered Finances

New York City, facing significant uncertainty in its economic and financial outlook, should develop a comprehensive plan to lay out its options before resorting to long-term borrowing to fund operations, according to a report released today by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. DiNapoli urged the federal government to provide relief, as it has after each of the last two recessions.