
DiNapoli: Village of Candor Mayor Arrested for Allegedly Stealing From the Village

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli and the New York State Police announced the arrest of Village of Candor Mayor Eric Halstead for stealing from the village’s General Fund.

“Mayor Halstead was entrusted by his community to serve their interests, but instead allegedly treated the village’s money as his own,” DiNapoli said. “My thanks to Tioga County District Attorney Kirk Martin and the New York State Police for their partnership in ensuring justice will be served.”

Performance of Industrial Development Agencies in New York State – 2024 Annual Report

This report summarizes data for fiscal year 2022, the most recent data reported by IDAs through the Public Authorities Reporting Information System. The report also contains a brief discussion of local development corporations, a related type of local authority. For regional and IDA-level summary data, see our Interactive Map.