
Migrant Tracker - Charts (May 2024)

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DiNapoli: Greenburgh-Graham Union Free School District Superintendent and Former Security System Specialist Arrested on Corruption Charges for Stealing School Funds

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli and Westchester County District Attorney Miriam E. Rocah announced that the former superintendent of schools and a former security system specialist of the Greenburgh-Graham Union Free School District were arrested on corruption charges for allegedly stealing school district funds earmarked for students and spending them on personal and luxury expenses between 2018 and 2022.

DiNapoli: NYC FY 2025 Budget Balanced With Strong Revenues and Cost Savings

Higher-than-projected revenue and cost-saving initiatives have helped New York City’s fiscal year (FY) 2024 budget generate a projected year-end surplus of $3.9 billion that will be used to prepay expenses for the next fiscal year, helping the city balance its FY 2025 executive budget, according to a report released today by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

Review of the Financial Plan of the City of New York, May 2024

Higher-than-projected revenue and cost-saving initiatives have helped New York City’s fiscal year (FY) 2024 budget generate a projected year-end surplus of $3.9 billion that will be used to prepay expenses for the next fiscal year, helping the City balance its FY 2025 executive budget. While some of the fiscal challenges facing the City are not in its direct control, including the continued influx of asylum seekers, preparation and transparency remain paramount to navigating future uncertainty.

Performance of Industrial Development Agencies in New York State – 2024 Annual Report

This report summarizes data for fiscal year 2022, the most recent data reported by IDAs through the Public Authorities Reporting Information System. The report also contains a brief discussion of local development corporations, a related type of local authority. For regional and IDA-level summary data, see our Interactive Map.

DiNapoli: NYC Tourism Approaches Full Recovery, Still Top Major U.S. Tourist Destination

New York’s tourism sector is approaching a complete recovery as visitor spending and related tax revenue have surpassed pre-pandemic levels, according to a new report from New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. The city estimates it will exceed pre-pandemic levels and welcome a record 68 million visitors by 2025.