Emerging Manager Program

The Emerging Manager Program of the New York State Common Retirement Fund (the Fund) invests with emerging managers directly, or with the assistance of managers of managers or program partners, in separately managed accounts or commingled funds. Program partners assist in the timely deployment of capital, perform due diligence and recommend managers to participate in the program. Each year, the Fund also seeks to graduate emerging managers to direct investments by the Fund. There are presently sixteen emerging managers in the current CRF portfolio that have graduated from the Emerging Manager Program. 

The program has identified common attributes of successful emerging managers based on a survey within the emerging manager community.

Our program has also compiled an Emerging Manager Definition and Life Cycle to assist in consistent screening, monitoring and progression of potential candidates for inclusion in the program.

Select an asset class below for current allocating parameters and contact information for each program partner:

Public Equities |  Private Equities |  Fixed Income |  Real Assets |  Real Estate |  Credit & O/ARS

Two pie charts showing breakdown of CRF assets

If you have individual inquiries, please contact the Emerging Manager Team at [email protected].

Our Goals
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Strengthen the Fund’s value

The Fund manages and invests on behalf of over one million New York State and local government employees, retirees and beneficiaries. By employing prudent selection processes and opportunistic strategies, the Fund can continue to meet its pension obligations in the future.

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Diversify the investment portfolio

The Fund takes the long-term approach by not only diversifying its investments, but also growing its pool of fund managers. By accessing fresh talent and investment opportunities from new and small investment firms, the Fund can generate returns that meet or exceed industry benchmarks.

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Provide opportunities for women and minorities

The Fund is committed to opening doors that were sometimes shut in the past to minority- and women-owned businesses. Promoting the participation of these firms brings in new ideas, perspectives and personnel, helping the Fund continue to earn strong returns.

Emerging Manager Fund Team
Sylvester McLearn

Sylvester McClearn
Director of Emerging Managers

Deborah A. Vélez Medenica

Deborah A. Vélez Medenica
Senior Investment Officer

Susana Callender

Susana Callender
Investment Operations Officer

Ricardo De Albuquerque, Senior Investment Officer

Ricardo De Albuqerque
Senior Investment Officer

Emerging Manager & MWBE Conference

The Emerging Manager Program offers opportunities to newer, smaller and diverse investment management firms to help grow the State’s Common Retirement Fund. The Fund is one of a few public pension plans to establish an emerging manager program and has committed $10.9 billion into the program.

Each year we invite up-and-coming investment managers to meet with Fund staff and program partners to learn about the Fund’s investment decisions and monitoring processes.

Learn about the 18th Annual Conference

For questions, contact [email protected]