18th Annual Emerging Manager and MWBE Conference

Comptroller DiNapoli speaking behind a podium

About the Conference


State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli proudly stewards the Common Retirement Fund’s legacy of partnering with new and diverse investors in delivering returns for the more than 1.2 million members, retirees and beneficiaries of the New York State & Local Retirement System.

At our 18th Annual Emerging Manager & MWBE Conference, we will share how the program is innovating and building for the future, while reflecting on our history of success. Attendees will hear from program graduates who’ve transitioned to investing for our core portfolio and have opportunities to network and gain asset class specific insight for future success with the Fund.


Welcome & Opening Remarks

Headshot of Sylvester McClearn


Sylvester McClearn

Director of Emerging
Manager Program

Lisa Melchior, Founder & Managing Partner of Vertu Capital


Lisa Melchior

Founder & Managing Partner
Vertu Capital

Headshot of Thomas P. DiNapoli

Keynote Address

Thomas P. DiNapoli

New York State Comptroller

Headshot of Ursula Burns

Guest Speaker

Ursula Burns

Integrum Partners


The Graduates Panel Discussion


The Emerging Manager program’s mission is to cultivate successful managers for the Common Retirement Fund. In this Panel hosted by the Fund CIO Anastasia Titarchuk, graduates will share their experiences, challenges and successes of transitioning to the core portfolio.

Headshot of Anastasia Titarchuk


Anastasia Titarchuk

Chief Investment Officer &
Deputy Comptroller

Headshot of Tony Lee

Private Equity

Tony Lee

One Rock Capital Partners

Headshot of A. Rama Krishna

Public Equities

A. Rama Krishna

Founder & Chief Investment Officer
ARGA Investment Management

Headshot of Tammy K. Jones

Real Estate

Tammy K. Jones

Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Basis Investment Group


8:00–⁠⁠9:30 8:30–⁠⁠9:15 Joyce Abernethy 
 Drew McLelland 
 Kimberly V. Mann 
 Jon K. Jurva 
 Sylvester McClearn
 Lisa Melchior
 Thomas P. DiNapoli
 Ursula Burns
 Anastasia Titarchuk
 Tony Lee
 A. Rama Krishna
 Tammy K. Jones
 Jennifer Cardiff
 Leading Edge Investment Advisors Navyug Patel
 Michael Lombardi
 Jon Lieber
 Aksia Joe T. Dawson
 Muller & Monroe Asset Management
 HarbourVest Partners
 Farol Asset Management Manuel Casanga
 GCM Grosvenor
 Artemis Real Estate Partners
 Albourne America Andrew Siwo
 Callan Registration / Continental Breakfast Legal: Negotiating Fund Agreements
 Early Riser Breakout Session Hosts Presenters Welcome & Opening Remarks Introduction
 Keynote Address Guest Speaker Break The Graduates Panel Discussion Moderator Private Equity Public Equities Real Estate Luncheon & Open Networking Asset Class Breakout Sessions Public Equities Host
 Presenters Fixed Income, Credit & Opportunistic / Absolute Return Strategies Hosts Presenters Private Equity Host Presenters Real Estate & Real Assets Host Presenters Sustainable Investments 
 & Climate Solutions Host Presenters Comptroller’s Dessert Reception
 & Open Networking General Counsel Managing Investment Counsel Shareholder 
 Shulman Rogers Partner 
 ArentFox Schiff LLP Director of Emerging Manager Program Founder & Managing Partner
 Vertu Capital New York State Comptroller Co-Founder
 Integrum Partners Chief Investment Officer & Deputy Comptroller Co-Founder
 One Rock Capital Partners Founder & Chief Investment Officer
 ARGA Investment Management Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
 Basis Investment Group Director, Public Equities Deputy Chief Investment Officer
 & Assistant Comptroller Director, Credit Director, Fixed Income Director, Private Equity Director, Real Estate & Real Assets Director, Sustainable Investments
 & Climate Solutions 9:30–⁠⁠10:30 10:30⁠–⁠10:45 10:45–⁠11:45 1:30⁠–⁠2:45   2:45–⁠4:00 11:45⁠–⁠1:30

Emerging Manager Program Team


The Emerging Manager team builds relationships with industry partners and new, small and minority- and women-owned firms so that the Common Retirement Fund can benefit from their investment insights.

Headshot of Sylvester McClearn

Sylvester McClearn

Director of Emerging
Manager Program

Headshot of Deborah A. Vélez Medenica

Deborah A. Vélez Medenica

Senior Investment Officer

Headshot of Susana Callender

Susana Callender

Investment Operations Officer

Headshot of Ricardo DeAlbuqerque

Ricardo De Albuqerque

Senior Investment Officer


Letters of Support from Aligned Organizations


For conference inquiries, email [email protected].