Released: May 25, 2018 -- [read complete report - pdf]
Audit Objective
Determine whether Department officials provided adequate oversight of financial activities to ensure that resources were properly safeguarded.
Key Findings
- Cash controls over fundraising activities need to be improved to ensure that amounts collected are properly recorded and deposited.
- The membership did not approve all disbursements as required by the bylaws.
- Department officials did not provide adequate oversight of the Treasurer’s duties.
Key Recommendations
- For money collected at fundraising events use: cash reporting forms to document and certify revenue collected and tickets or duplicate receipts to track revenue.
- Ensure the membership approves all disbursements as required by the bylaws.
- Periodically review bank statements, canceled check images and bank reconciliations.
Department officials disagreed with certain aspects of our recommendations in our report, but indicated they planned to implement some of our recommendations. Appendix B includes our comment on an issue raised in the Department’s response letter.