Released: November 30, 2018 -- [read complete report - pdf]
Audit Objective
Determine whether the Board properly managed fund balance.
Key Findings
- Unassigned fund balance increased from $66,600 to $134,300 (102 percent) from 2014 to 2017, which could fund over three years’ worth of expenditures.
- On average, actual expenditures were 39 percent less than budgeted appropriations from 2014 to 2017.
- The Board has not established any formal reserves or adopted formal financial plans.
Key Recommendations
- Reduce the amount of unassigned fund balance and use the excess as a financing source to benefit District taxpayers by funding one-time expenditures and needed reserves, paying down debt and reducing real property taxes.
- Adopt realistic budgeted appropriations that reflect the District’s operating needs based on historic trends, contracts or other projections.
- Develop and adopt financial plans for the maintenance of a reasonable level of fund balance and the funding and use of reserves.
District officials generally agreed with our findings and recommendations but questioned one issue. Appendix B includes our comment on the issue raised in the District’s response.