Purpose of Audit
The purpose of our audit was to determine if the District properly safeguarded its cash receipts for the period July 1, 2014 through April 30, 2016.
The Roslyn Union Free School District is located in the Town of North Hempstead, Nassau County. The District, which operates five schools with approximately 3,300 students, is governed by an elected seven-member Board of Education. Budgeted appropriations for the 2015-16 fiscal year totaled approximately $104 million.
Key Findings
- Press-numbered triplicate receipts are not issued for money received in building locations other than the District office.
- Eight of 30 receipts we tested were held between 11 and 30 days before being deposited in the District’s bank accounts.
Key Recommendations
- Require that District officials issue press-numbered triplicate receipts at all District locations.
- Ensure that all receipts are deposited on a timely basis.