Pavilion Central School District – Financial Management (2017M-62)

Issued Date
June 23, 2017

Purpose of Audit

The purpose of our audit was to review the District’s financial management practices for the period July 1, 2013 through February 21, 2017.


The Pavilion Central School District is located in Genesee, Livingston and Wyoming Counties. The District is governed by an elected seven-member Board of Education and operates two schools with approximately 740 students. Budgeted appropriations for 2016-17 totaled approximately $18 million.

Key Findings

  • The Board and District officials prepared budgets for the 2013-14 through the 2015-16 fiscal years that overestimated appropriations, producing operating surpluses totaling $2.1 million during these years.
  • The reserve fund policy did not stipulate the maximum funding levels for each reserve, the conditions necessary for using reserves to finance related costs or the circumstances under which reserve funds will be replenished.
  • Three of the District’s six reserves appear overfunded.

Key Recommendations

  • Adopt budgets that realistically reflect the District’s operating needs based on historical trends or other identified analysis and use surplus funds as a financing source for funding one-time expenditures, funding needed reserves or reducing District property taxes.
  • Revise the reserve fund policy to ensure that it identifies optimal or targeted funding levels for each reserve and the conditions under which each reserve fund will be used or replenished.
  • Review all reserves to determine if the amounts reserved are necessary and reasonable.