Audit Objective
Determine whether the Board and District officials effectively managed fund balance and reserves.
Key Findings
- The Board’s budgeting practices included annually appropriating fund balance that was not used to finance operations and overestimating appropriations by $4.8 million (8 percent annual average) over a three-year period.
- As of June 30, 2017, unrestricted fund balance totaled more than $2.2 million and was 10 percent of the 2017- 18 budgeted appropriations, exceeding the statutory limit by approximately $1.3 million or 6 percentage points.
- Reserve funds are generally not being used1 and the retirement, repair and unemployment reserves are overfunded.
Key Recommendations
- Adopt budgets that include reasonable estimates for appropriations and the amount of fund balance that will be used to fund operations.
- Reduce unrestricted fund balance to within the statutory limit and use the excess funds in a manner more beneficial to taxpayers.
- Review and fund reserve balances to reasonable levels in accordance with applicable statutes.
1 With the exception of the debt and capital reserves