Audit Objective
Determine whether all extra-classroom activity (ECA) funds were deposited complete and in a timely manner, and whether all disbursements were properly supported and for legitimate ECA purposes.
Key Findings
- The Board did not appoint a faculty counselor, faculty auditor or a central treasurer as required.
- The Central Treasurer recorded receipts for three clubs totaling $37,911. However, none of these clubs maintained sufficient documentation to determine how much was collected or that receipts were accounted for.
- We reviewed 28 deposits totaling $31,521 and found four deposits totaling $4,086 were deposited between 11 and 14 days after the date the faculty advisor brought the funds to the Business Office.
- We reviewed 20 disbursements totaling $32,553 and found two cash advances totaling $1,780 did not have the proper approvals.
Key Recommendations
- Appoint a faculty counselor, auditor and central treasurer.
- Ensure that clubs are maintaining detailed independent records.
- Ensure that cash advances are approved by the appropriate District officials.
District officials generally agreed with our recommendations and have initiated or indicated they planned to initiate corrective action.