Rush-Henrietta Central School District – Credit Cards and Purchase Cards (2024M-122)

Issued Date
January 03, 2025

Audit Objective 

Determine whether Rush-Henrietta Central School District (District) officials ensured credit card and purchase card charges were properly approved, supported and for appropriate District purposes. 

Key Findings 

District officials did not ensure that all credit card and purchase card charges were properly approved and supported. Therefore, it could not be determined whether all charges were for appropriate District purposes. Additionally, officials did not ensure that credit card charges were reconciled in a timely manner and audited, as required, prior to payment. 

We reviewed 680 credit card and purchase card charges totaling $168,831 and determined that 538 charges totaling $156,982 had one or more exceptions: 

  • 410 charges totaling $144,142 were paid prior to audit and approval by the claims auditor. 
  • 355 charges totaling $104,258 required pre-approval but were not properly approved. 
  • 82 charges totaling $6,199 for the Facilities and Transportation Departments were not independently audited. The claims auditor who reviewed and approved the charges also maintained and administered the purchase cards for these departments. 
  • 288 charges totaling $64,925 did not have adequate support including a specific District purpose, a receipt or itemized receipt or the required business expense reports. 

Key Recommendations 

We provided nine recommendations to help District officials improve the District’s credit card and purchase card purchasing processes. 

District officials generally agreed with our recommendations and indicated they will take corrective action. Appendix B includes our comment on the District’s response letter.