Audit Objective
Assess whether Town of Trenton (Town) officials could take additional steps to increase physical accessibility to programs and services provided at selected Town facilities.
Key Findings
Of the 144 applicable physical accessibility components (components) we reviewed, we identified 14 components (10 percent) where Town officials could consider taking additional steps to increase physical accessibility at the Town Municipal Center. Specifically:
- Nine components located in restrooms, such as accessible stall doors with automatic closers and pipes under lavatories covered to prevent contact.
- Two located in the parking lot, including the required number of accessible parking spaces and signs identifying van accessible spaces.
- Two located at interior doorways including interior signs with raised lettering and Braille, and closing speed of at least five seconds for doors with automatic closers, and
- One at the main entrance; floor mats with securely attached edges.
Town officials should assess the feasibility of taking additional steps to increase physical accessibility for the 14 components identified in this report. Town officials agreed with our findings and indicated they plan to initiate corrective action.