Town of Brookhaven – Physical Accessibility to Programs and Services(S9-24-45)

Issued Date
March 07, 2025

Assess whether Town of Brookhaven (Town) officials could take additional steps to increase physical accessibility to programs and services provided at selected Town facilities.

Key Findings 

Of the 1,022 applicable physical accessibility components (components) we reviewed, we identified 66 components (6 percent) where Town officials could consider taking additional steps to increase physical accessibility at selected Town facilities. Specifically: 

  • 48 components at the Town Hall, such as at least one van accessible parking space and an accessible route with openings in the pavement no larger than one half inch.
  • 11 components at the Airport, such as accessible parking spaces with marked access aisles and an accessible route to the main entrance with an even surface.
  • Four components at the Senior Center, such as ramps with a barrier to prevent wheelchair castors and crutch tips from falling off and restroom towel dispensers mounted at an accessible height.
  • Two components at the Animal Shelter, including at least one van accessible parking space and mats with secured edges at the main entrance.
  • One component at the Parks and Recreation Administration building (Parks Administration); interior doors that open with five pounds maximum force.


Town officials should assess the feasibility of taking additional steps to increase physical accessibility for the 66 components identified in this report. Town officials agreed with our findings and indicated they plan to initiate corrective action.