Town of Grand Island – Physical Accessibility to Programs and Services (S9-24-44)

Issued Date
March 07, 2025

[read complete report – pdf]

Audit Objective 

Assess whether Town of Grand Island (Town) officials could take additional steps to increase physical accessibility to programs and services provided at selected Town facilities.

Key Findings 

Of the 657 applicable physical accessibility components (components) we reviewed, we identified 103 components (16 percent) where Town officials could consider taking additional steps to increase physical accessibility at selected Town facilities. Specifically: 

  • 49 components at the Town Hall, such as carpets or mats at entrances and interior spaces securely attached to minimize tripping hazards and interior office signs with raised lettering and Braille.
  • 20 components at the Grand Island Memorial Library (Library) such as accessible restroom stalls with an overall width of at least 60 inches and a door opening at least 32 inches wide.
  • 18 components at the Senior Center, such as signs identifying van accessible parking spaces and grab bars mounted to the side and rear walls of accessible restroom stalls.
  • 16 combined components at the Community Center, Highway Department and Recreation Department buildings, such as marked access aisles at the accessible parking spaces, signs identifying van accessible parking spaces, restroom doors that open with five pounds maximum force and pipes below lavatories insulated to protect against contact.


Town officials should assess the feasibility of taking additional steps to increase physical accessibility for the 103 components identified in this report. Town officials agreed with our findings and indicated they plan to initiate corrective action.