Audit Objective
Determine whether the Town Board (Board) provided adequate oversight over financial activity and ensured receipts were deposited and disbursements were supported and authorized.
Key Findings
- The Board did not establish compensating controls to help oversee the former Supervisor’s work.
- Our tests of check disbursements totaling $1.4 million disclosed three payments totaling $36,380 that did not contain adequate support. In addition, one employee was overpaid $1,100 and detailed time records were not maintained to support $1,922 in hourly wages paid to another employee.
- The Board did not properly authorize health insurance benefits averaging $183,000 annually for elected officials in 2016 and 2017.
Key Recommendations
- Segregate the Supervisor’s financial duties or establish sufficient compensating controls to provide oversight.
- Ensure that claims are retained and include proper supporting documentation before authorizing payment.
- Authorize all fringe benefits provided to all officials and employees.
Town officials agreed with our recommendations and indicated they plan to initiate corrective action.
1 Refer to our prior audit report, Town of Frankfort – Supervisor’s Fiscal Responsibilities (2017M-192), issued in 2017.
2 The former Supervisor and other prior supervisors