Audit Objective
Determine whether the Board:
- Provided adequate oversight of the Town’s budgeting and financial operations to ensure that resources were used effectively.
- Ensured that the Town’s information technology assets were adequately safeguarded.
Key Findings
- The Board’s continual appropriation of nonexistent fund balance has weakened the financial condition of the town-wide (TW) general fund and central water district.
- Interfund services were not properly tracked and billed back to the appropriate fund, resulting in taxpayer inequities.
- The Board did not adopt information technology (IT) policies and procedures for breach notification, access rights, disaster recovery and backups, and has not provided IT security awareness training.
Key Recommendations
- Discontinue appropriating nonexistent fund balance in the TW general fund and central water district.
- Ensure interfund services are billed back to the appropriate fund.
- Adopt comprehensive IT policies and procedures and provide IT security awareness training.
Town officials generally agreed with our recommendations and have initiated or indicated they planned to initiate corrective action.