Audit Objective
Determine whether the Town Board (Board) used an adequate process to purchase and sell real property in the most cost beneficial manner.
Key Findings
- The Board did not use an appropriate process when selling and acquiring property, resulting in the likely expenditure of more money than necessary:
- The Town spent over $3.6 million to purchase and renovate the Southside Municipal Center (SMC). After an adjustment for the stated value of rent, we estimate the sale price was approximately $718,000 less than the cost to purchase and renovate the SMC.
- The Town purchased a former fire hall, senior center and a residential building for $586,000. The Town estimates it will take $3 million to $4 million to renovate the building for use as a new Town hall.
Key Recommendations
- Use a deliberate process that fully considers all suitable options and long-term implications.
- Develop specific planning steps prior to initiating significant capital projects.
Town officials disagreed with our findings and recommendations. Appendix B includes our comments on issues raised in the Town’s response letter.