Town of Byron – Procurement (2024M-11)

Issued Date
May 24, 2024

Audit Objective 

Determine whether the Town of Byron (Town) officials complied with New York State General Municipal Law (GML) and Town policy when procuring goods and services. 

Key Findings 

The Town Board (Board) and Town officials did not always comply with GML Section 103 and the Town’s procurement policy. Had Town officials complied, they may have saved money by using a State fuel contract and may have paid less for other goods and services. The Board and Town officials: 

  • Procured fuel totaling $59,795 without obtaining competitive bids as required by GML Section 103 and the Town’s procurement policy. Furthermore, the Town paid approximately $4,000 more than the State contract price for the more than 16,700 gallons purchased during our audit period. 
  • Did not obtain quotes or request proposals in accordance with the Town’s procurement policy for 10 purchases totaling $68,103. 
  • Did not use request for proposals (RFPs) or another competitive process to procure services from seven professional service providers totaling $630,336. 

Key Recommendations 

  • Ensure goods and services are procured in compliance with competitive bidding statutes. 
  • Ensure quotes are obtained for purchases not subject to competitive bidding, as required by the Town’s procurement policy. 

Town officials agreed with our recommendations and indicated they were initiating corrective action.