Town of Otselic – Records and Reports and Conflict of Interest Audit Follow-Up (2021M-36-F)

Issued Date
August 16, 2024

[read complete report – pdf] [read complete 2021 report – pdf]

Purpose of Audit

The purpose of our review was to assess the Town of Otselic’s (Town’s) progress, as of May 2024, in implementing our recommendations in the audit report released in July 2021. 


The Town, located in Chenango County, is governed by its charter and State and local laws. The Town is governed by an elected five-member Board, composed of the Supervisor and four Board members. The Board is responsible for the general oversight of the operations and finances.  The Supervisor serves as the Town’s chief executive officer and chief financial officer responsible for the day-to-day financial operations.

Results of Review

Based on our limited procedures, Town officials have made almost no progress on implementing corrective action. Of the 11 audit recommendations, one was fully implemented, one recommendation was partially implemented, and nine recommendations were not implemented including the recommendation that the Board should require the Supervisor to provide accurate monthly financial reports.