Town of Evans – Employee Benefits (2024M-53)

Issued Date
September 20, 2024

Audit Objective 

Determine whether Town of Evans (Town) officials maintained leave records and paid separation and health insurance opt-out payments (opt-out payments) that were accurate, supported and approved.

Key Findings 

The Town’s leave records and separation payments were generally not accurate, supported and/or approved. Opt-out payments were generally accurate; however, they were not properly supported or approved.

  • We reviewed leave records for 27 of the Town’s 80 employees and determined that 373.5 of the 6,077 hours of leave time used by these employees was recorded incorrectly or not at all in the payroll system.
  • Four separation payments totaling $11,282 were inaccurate or unsupported.
  • The former Town Supervisor (Supervisor) received four unsupported opt-out payments totaling $6,000.Officials were unable to explain why the former Supervisor was treated differently than other Board members.

These errors and discrepancies occurred and were not detected or corrected due to a variety of factors including a decentralized process for maintaining leave records and a lack of oversight of leave records, separation payments and opt-out payments.


The audit report includes nine recommendations that, if implemented, will improve the Town’s employee benefits practices.

Town officials agreed with our recommendations and have indicated they planned to initiate corrective action.