[read complete report – pdf] [read complete 2020 report – pdf]
Purpose of Review
The purpose of our review was to assess the Town of Dayton’s (Town) progress, as of November 2024, in implementing our recommendations in the audit report Town of Dayton – Fund Balance Management (2019M-221) released in January 2020.
The audit determined that the Board did not properly manage fund balance, as the town-wide (TW) general fund and TW highway fund had deficit unrestricted fund balances during our audit period. The Board did not develop and adopt comprehensive written multiyear financial and capital plans and written fund balance and reserve fund policies to help guide the budget development process.
The audit included nine recommendations to help improve the Town’s financial condition and financial reporting.
The Town is located in Cattaraugus County. The Town is governed by an elected Town Board (Board) composed of five members including the Town Supervisor (Supervisor). The Board is responsible for the general oversight of the Town’s operations and finances. The Supervisor is the chief financial officer and is responsible for the day-to-day financial operations.
Results of Review
It appears that the Town has not implemented sufficient corrective action. Of the nine audit recommendations, only two were fully implemented and seven were not implemented.