Village of Herkimer – Water and Sewer Financial Operations Audit Follow-Up (2019M-102-F)

Issued Date
June 28, 2024

[read complete report – pdf] [read complete 2019 report – pdf]

 Purpose of Audit

The purpose of our review was to assess the Village of Herkimer’s (Village’s) progress, as of March 2024, in implementing our recommendations in the audit report released in August 2019. 


The Village of Herkimer (Village) is located in the Town of Herkimer in Herkimer County and provides water and sewer services to its residents. The Village also provides water services to some customers that reside in the Town of Russia and to three water districts that serve portions of the Towns of Herkimer and German Flatts. The Village is governed by an elected Village Board composed of a Mayor and four Trustees. 

Results of Review

Based on our limited procedures, the Village has demonstrated minimal progress implementing corrective action. Of the seven audit recommendations, one recommendation was partially implemented and six recommendations were not implemented.