Audits of Local Governments

The Office of the New York State Comptroller’s Division of Local Government and School Accountability conducts performance audits of local governments and school districts. Performance audits provide findings or conclusions based on an evaluation of evidence against criteria. Local officials use audit findings to improve program performance and operations, reduce costs and contribute to public accountability.

For audits older than 2013, contact us at [email protected].

For audits of State and NYC agencies and public authorities, see Audits.

Fire District | General Oversight

January 13, 2023 –

The Board did not always provide adequate oversight of District financial activities and did not complete mandatory fiscal oversight training. Had Board members attended the mandatory fire district commissioners' training, they would have better positioned themselves to oversee the District's financial activities and helped ensure reporting requirements were in place.

School District | Medicaid

January 13, 2023 –

The District did not claim any Medicaid reimbursements to which it was entitled, because District officials believed it was not cost-effective to file Medicaid claims. However, they could not provide a current cost-benefit analysis to support their position. As a result, District taxpayers incurred the full cost of providing more than $536,000 in Medicaid-eligible services. Had these services been claimed, the District could have realized potential reimbursements, totaling $268,308.

School District | Financial Condition

January 6, 2023 –

The Board and District officials did not effectively manage the District's fund balance. As a result, they were not transparent with taxpayers and the District levied more taxes than needed to fund operations.

Town | Claims Auditing

January 6, 2023 –

The Board did not always properly audit claims prior to approving them for payment. We reviewed 173 claims totaling $338,876.

School District | Claims Auditing

January 6, 2023 –

The claims auditor did not perform a proper claims audit because she did not ensure claims had adequate supporting documentation for her review prior to approval.

Town | Other

January 6, 2023 –

We issued a report, dated September 2021, identifying certain conditions and opportunities for Town management's review and consideration. Our audit included recommendations for the following findings: monthly financial reports, bank reconciliations, claims auditing and the annual audit of the records of all officers who receive or disburse funds. We revisited the Town in October 2022 to review progress in implementing our recommendations. Our follow-up review was limited to interviews with Town personnel and inspection of certain documents related to the issues identified in our report. Based on our limited procedures, it appears that the Town has made modest progress implementing corrective action. Of the 11 audit recommendations, one recommendation was implemented, two recommendations were not fully implemented, and eight recommendations were not implemented.

School District | Financial Condition

January 6, 2023 –

The Board and District officials need to improve their budgeting practices and transparency. Although our 2016 audit identified similar deficiencies, officials did not effectively implement corrective actions. As a result, the Board and District officials continued to not properly manage fund balance and reserves, resulting in more taxes being levied than were needed to fund operations.

Charter School | Information Technology

January 6, 2023 –

School officials did not ensure that network and financial software access controls were adequate. As a result, data and personal, private and sensitive information (PPSI) are at greater risk for unauthorized access, misuse, or loss. In addition to sensitive information technology (IT) control weaknesses that were confidentially communicated to officials.

School District | Information Technology

December 30, 2022 –

District officials did not maintain appropriate IT asset inventory records or establish adequate IT controls over network user accounts.

Fire District | Claims Auditing, Purchasing

December 30, 2022 –

The Board did not ensure that goods and services were procured in accordance with the procurement policy and that all claims were approved prior to payment.

School District | Employee Benefits

December 30, 2022 –

District officials did not properly account for leave accruals for 22 of the 49 employees' accrual records that we tested. The District may incur $47,817 in additional payroll costs if the errors are not corrected.

School District | Other

December 23, 2022 –

District officials did not submit SSBA allocation claims totaling $1.35 million, related to eligible technology purchases made during fiscal years 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22.

Town | Other

December 23, 2022 –

A Town official had a prohibited interest in Town contracts.

School District | Information Technology

December 16, 2022 –

District officials did not establish adequate controls over network user accounts. As a result, the District has an increased risk of unauthorized access to and use of its network and potential loss of important data. In addition to finding sensitive information technology (IT) control weaknesses that were confidentially communicated to officials.

School District | Claims Auditing, Purchasing

December 16, 2022 –

The Board and District officials did not ensure goods and services were procured in accordance with applicable statutes and/or District policy and did not ensure claims were properly audited and approved prior to payment.

Town | Other

December 16, 2022 –

Two Town officials had prohibited interests in Town contracts.

School District | Employee Benefits

December 16, 2022 –

Although overtime was properly approved, District officials did not monitor overtime to ensure it was accurate. Had officials established adequate controls, the District's overtime costs may have been reduced by at least $167,000. As a result, officials are paying more for overtime than necessary.

Town | Claims Auditing, Purchasing

December 16, 2022 –

The Board did not always seek competition when procuring goods and services or ensure all claims were properly audited and approved. When goods and services are not competitively procured, they may not be procured in a cost-effective manner. Also, when claims are not properly audited, the Board's ability to effectively monitor the Town's financial operations is diminished.

Town | Clerks

December 9, 2022 –

The Clerk did not record, deposit, remit or report collections in a timely and accurate manner. As a result, the Board's ability to effectively monitor financial operations was diminished. Had the Board conducted the required annual audits, it may have recognized these deficiencies and taken corrective action.

School District | Information Technology

December 9, 2022 –

District officials did not ensure network user accounts were needed, and they did not adopt an adequate IT contingency plan. In addition to sensitive IT control weaknesses that we communicated confidentially to officials.