Number of Reported Crimes Rose in 2022
- According to data published by the State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS), the number of Index Crimes reported by local law enforcement agencies rose by 73,646 incidents, or 21 percent, in 2022. This increase in the seven major crime categories used by law enforcement as indicators of overall crime trends is relatively large compared to data trends over the past decade.
- The statewide crime rate also rose in 2022, increasing by 22 percent to 2,129 crimes per 100,000 people.
- Within the seven major crime categories, property crimes (Burglary, Larceny and Motor Vehicle Theft), accounted for the majority of the overall increase (collectively rising by 65,681).
- Collectively, the violent crimes rose by 7,965 incidents from last year. Two of the four violent crime categories declined (Murder and Rape) while instances of Robbery and Aggravated Assault rose.
- Despite the increase in 2022, total Index Crimes are 3.2 percent lower than they were in 2013.
Incarcerated Individual Populations
- As of June 2023, 47,710 incarcerated individuals—an increase of 1,664 (3.6 percent) from the prior year— were collectively being held in 44 State correctional facilities, 63 county jail and correctional facilities and 12 New York City correctional facilities.
- Over the last 10 years, the total incarcerated population declined by 33,870 (42 percent), with the majority of the decline occurring in State correctional facilities, followed by county jails and then facilities in New York City.
Combating Gun Violence
- DCJS provides funding, training and technical support to 20 law enforcement agencies in 17 counties through the Gun Involved Violence Elimination (GIVE) program. According to DCJS data reported by these 20 police departments, incidents of gun-related violence involving injury declined by 185 incidents (15 percent) in the areas reporting on this data in 2022. This decline follows steep increases in the two years prior.
- When comparing the five-year averages (2017-2021) to the number of reported incidents in 2022, shooting incidents where a person was hit are up 15 percent, and the number of individuals killed by gun violence was 31 percent greater in the areas reported by these 20 police departments.