
See Audits to search for audits related to State agencies, NYC agencies, local governments, school districts and public authorities.


September 2022 —

New Yorkers and consumers across the nation are experiencing growing household debt. The average household debt in New York climbed to a new high of $53,830 at the end of 2021. While New Yorkers trail the national average debt burden ($55,810), student loan and credit card debt per capita were well above the national average, with student loan balances 335% higher than they were in 2003.


August 2022 —

The agriculture industry supports jobs and communities throughout New York State. The COVID-19 pandemic and economic shutdown led to job losses across almost all industries in New York, but the agricultural sector proved to be among the most resilient, losing just 1 percent of jobs in 2020 compared to a statewide annual employment loss of 8.7 percent. Both employment and wages in the farming sector grew in 2021 to reach new highs.

Environment, Pension & Retirement

July 2022 —

The Climate Action Plan Progress Report for the New York State Common Retirement Fund highlights the Fund’s recent efforts to address climate risks and opportunities.


July 2022 —

The devastating number of job losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic led to a significant increase in residential customers owing money to their utility companies. Over the course of the pandemic, the amount in arrears increased significantly for all utilities and more than doubled on a statewide basis. In March 2022, one in eight residential customers were in arrears—more than 1.2 million customers statewide, with $1.8 billion owed to utility companies across the State.

Economy, Environment

June 2022 —

Outdoor recreation in New York provided $21.1 billion in economic activity in 2020 and supported over 241,000 jobs. While New York ranks fourth in the nation on GDP generated by outdoor recreation, outdoor recreation represents a more significant part of the economy in nearly every other state. Efforts to bolster tourism and protect the outdoors are important for spurring greater economic activity and enhancing access to and utilization of these amenities.

Budget & Finances, Economy

June 2022 —

The devastating job losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic led to a record number of unemployment insurance (UI) claims in New York, necessitating borrowing from the federal government beginning in May 2020. Two years later, the State’s UI debt has remained stubbornly high despite steady employment gains and state tax rates that have already increased to maximum permissible levels. Absent federal or state significant action, interest costs will mount and employers federal taxes will also grow.


March 2022 —

Median earnings for full-time working women in New York were 86 cents for every dollar earned by men in 2019, an annual wage gap of $8,821, as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau. While New York women earn more dollars relative to men than in most other states, women's median earnings continue to lag across occupational groups and other categories.

Budget & Finances, Federal Issues

March 2022 —

Historic relief funds from the federal government, provided in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, boosted New York’s per capita balance of payments from Washington from second-to-last in federal fiscal year 2019 to 40th in 2020. During this period, New York received $1.59 for every tax dollar paid to Washington, an increase from 91 cents from the prior year, but still below the national average of $1.92. 

Economy, Environment

February 2022 —

The number of jobs influenced by the green economy in New York exceeded one million in 2019 and 2020. New York’s efforts to promote sustainability not only encourage the creation of new jobs related to clean energy and energy efficiency, but they can also affect employment more broadly, requiring new skills in existing occupations and increasing demand for others. The State must fund educational and workforce development programs to grow the green economy and help bolster New York’s pandemic recovery.

Budget & Finances, Infrastructure, Transportation

January 2022 —

While the Dedicated Highway and Bridge Trust Fund was intended to provide a reliable, dedicated stream of funding for the State’s transportation projects, it long ago ceased to serve this purpose and is now largely devoted to repaying past borrowings and supporting current operating costs. As a result, vital highway and bridge projects are at increased risk because the State continues to use these limited resources primarily for purposes other than financing current capital projects.

Health & Welfare

January 2022 —

New York State’s prison population declined by half from March 2008 to March 2021. However, the number of older incarcerated individuals increased marginally over the same period. This report examines the factors contributing to the population change and the medical cost implications.

Budget & Finances, Health & Welfare

December 2021 —

Monthly enrollment in the Medicaid program has grown by about 5 percent per year since January 2007, and exceeded 7 million for the first time in February 2021. This report discusses the factors that have driven growth in Medicaid enrollment and the resulting cost impacts, the relationship between Medicaid enrollment and economic indicators, and the cost implications if the Division of the Budget's anticipated enrollment reductions fail to materialize.


November 2021 —

Businesses in New York were more severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020 than in the rest of the nation, and the negative impacts on small businesses with less than 500 employees persist. In addition, small businesses report facing new challenges with hiring difficulties and with supply chains. Nevertheless, one in five small businesses reported a return to normal operations in October 2021, there have been significant improvements in several sectors, and applications for new businesses are surging, which bodes well for the economic recovery.

Budget & Finances, Health & Welfare

October 2021 —

Comptroller DiNapoli has launched his new online tool to monitor spending of federal recovery aid and COVID-19 relief programs in the State. The dashboard explains each federal and State program, and how much has been received and spent to date. The data will be updated monthly and New Yorkers can use the tool to understand how federal aid is used and to inform future conversations about budget priorities.


September 2021 —

The State has made progress in making high-speed connections available to New Yorkers; nevertheless, there are still significant challenges. Many predominantly rural areas remain underserved. And one in three low-income households does not have access to broadband, which magnifies disparities in access to opportunities. High-speed connections are an imperative not only for economic development, but also for equality of opportunity.


September 2021 —

New York students with disabilities lost partial or full special education services because of school shutdowns and the shift to remote learning during the pandemic, likely exacerbating pre-existing achievement gaps. School districts should prioritize address learning loss for these students in their re-opening plans.

Budget & Finances, Transportation

August 2021 —

The COVID-19 pandemic created unprecedented challenges for the State’s regional transportation authorities by disrupting operations, decreasing ridership, and severely reducing revenues; however, these authorities reported that federal aid helped them weather pandemic deficits. If ridership continues to languish and does not return to pre-pandemic levels, the authorities will need additional revenue from other sources to continue to provide services at current levels—or may be faced with limiting services.

Budget & Finances, Economy

July 2021 —

Personal income in New York State has surpassed pre-pandemic levels; while this is a positive development, there are two causes for concern. First, growth is primarily due to transfer receipts paid to New Yorkers from the government, which account for more than 20 percent of personal income. Second, earnings in seven industrial sectors, including the leisure and hospitality sector that was hardest hit during the pandemic, have not yet returned to pre-2020 levels.


June 2021 —

In 2020, OSC completed 10 audits of preschool special education providers' expenses submitted to SED. These audits cumulatively identified over $4.4 million in recommended disallowances, or more than 3 percent of the total claimed expenses of $139.3 million for the audit period. 

Budget & Finances, Economy, Health & Welfare

June 2021 —

The COVID-19 pandemic spurred a change in how people sought and received medical care; rather than visiting medical practitioners in person, increasing numbers of people used telehealth services. While telehealth usage in New York and nationally has declined since the pandemic peak, it remains well above pre-pandemic levels, though still only a small share of overall utilization.