
See Audits to search for audits related to State agencies, NYC agencies, local governments, school districts and public authorities.


January 2018 —

Local sales tax collections for calendar year 2017 totaled $16.6 billion, an increase of $620 million, or 3.9 percent, from the previous year. This marks the highest year-over-year growth since 2013. 

Budget & Finances, Education

January 2018 —

The Office of the New York State Comptroller’s Fiscal Stress Monitoring System (FSMS) measures fiscal stress in school districts each year. This report summarizes results of school district scores for the 2016-17 school fiscal year, the fifth annual release of FSMS scores.

Health & Welfare

January 2018 —

Every day, New York City’s eight million residents face a mix of urban noise—street traffic, construction, emergency vehicles, buses, subways and air traffic are just a few examples—which, at best, poses an annoyance and, at worst, impacts quality of life.


January 2018 —

In 2017, OSC completed 23 audits of expenses submitted to SED by preschool special education providers. These audits have cumulatively identified over $12.5 million in recommended disallowances, or about 3 percent of the total claimed expenses of $454 million for the audit period. 

Budget & Finances

December 2017 —

On November 21, 2017, the City of New York released a modification to its four-year financial plan covering fiscal years 2018 through 2021 (“the November Plan”). The November Plan includes modest changes to the City’s revenue and expenditure forecasts for FY 2018 based on trends during the first four months of the fiscal year, a citywide savings program, and savings from better-than-expected pension fund investment earnings in FY 2017.

Economy, Neighborhood Profile

December 2017 —

East Harlem, located in northeastern Manhattan, has one of the largest Puerto Rican communities in New York City.


Budget & Finances

December 2017 —

Across New York State, we hear calls for investment in essential public infrastructure.

Health & Welfare

November 2017 —

Homelessness is a troubling, chronic problem nationally and in New York State. Veterans of U.S. military service have made up a disproportionate share of our nation’s homeless population.

Budget & Finances, Infrastructure, Transportation

November 2017 —

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) is the largest mass transit agency in the nation, providing services to nearly one-third of the nation’s mass transit commuters.

Budget & Finances

November 2017 —

This Report on Estimated Receipts and Disbursements for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2017-18 through SFY 2019-20, issued pursuant to Section 23 of the State Finance Law, is intended to enhance analysis and discussion of the State’s economic condition and the State Budget.

Budget & Finances

October 2017 —

Receipts from All Governmental Funds (All Funds) totaled $76.6 billion through the first half of the fiscal year, an increase of $1.5 billion or 2 percent over the same period in SFY 2016- 17.

Wall Street

October 2017 —

Since the 2008 financial crisis, New York City’s economy has become more diversified and less dependent on the securities industry.

Federal Issues

October 2017 —

It’s been said that the only certain things in life are death and taxes. But when leaders in Washington make sweeping promises about the benefits of “tax reform,” we can be certain of at least one other thing – the need to look very carefully at the numbers.


October 2017 —

This report highlights the North Country region's geography, demographics, municipalities, economy and labor markets, and includes a discussion about what the future may hold for the region.

Budget & Finances, Infrastructure

October 2017 —

This report summarizes common findings from audits of 161 local government and 7 public authority water systems from January 2012 through May 2017. These audits identify deficiencies in financial management, including consistent overestimation of water revenues, incorrect billing, improper transfer of money between water and other funds, and insufficient internal controls and long-term planning. Many audits have also found other problems in water system operations, including significant losses as water travels from its sources to its users.

Infrastructure, Transportation

October 2017 —

Bridges are structures of chronic concern, both because of the degree to which we rely on them and the risks they pose should they fail. This report offers a quick look at New York’s bridges, including those in New York City. In 2016, 11 percent of all New York bridges were structurally deficient, according to federal standards. Bridges owned by New York’s local governments and authorities are more likely than State-owned bridges to be structurally deficient (12.8 percent compared to 9.0 percent).

Interactive Data

Budget & Finances, Federal Issues

October 2017 —

As the President and Congress push for changes on both the spending and revenue sides of the federal budget, the stakes for New York State are high.

Excel file with supporting data

Budget & Finances, Pension & Retirement

September 2017 —

The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the New York State and Local Retirement System (the System or NYSLRS) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017.

Budget & Finances

September 2017 —

The Fiscal Stress Monitoring System (FSMS) annually assesses fiscal stress in local governments and school districts. This report examines and summarizes notable trends in the fiscal scores of all 1,595 New York counties, cities, towns and villages regardless of their fiscal year end dates, for the period 2013 through 2016. 

Budget & Finances

September 2017 —

New York State’s short-term financial condition has improved in recent years, but concerns are on the horizon. As the United States enters its ninth year of economic expansion, New York faces increasing fiscal challenges. The State’s latest financial projections contain projected budget gaps in the next three fiscal years that average more than $5.9 billion annually before potential gap-closing actions.