
See Audits to search for audits related to State agencies, NYC agencies, local governments, school districts and public authorities.


May 2013 —

More than a decade ago, New York became the fourth state in the nation to extend in-state college tuition rates to undocumented immigrant students. Today, approximately 8,300 such students attend public institutions of higher education throughout New York.

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Budget & Finances

April 2013 —

State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2012-13 brought serious budgetary challenges, including the second most expensive storm to hit the United States and a still-slow recovery from the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.

Budget & Finances

April 2013 —

This is the second annual report by the Office of the State Comptroller on overtime use by New York State agencies. This statistical overview covers the past six years and expands the types of information presented in our first report.

Budget & Finances

April 2013 —

New York State's Enacted Budget for the 2013-14 State Fiscal Year (SFY) reflects a continuing effort by the Executive and the Legislature to restrain spending, while holding projected gaps for the next three years to more manageable levels than has been the case over most of the past decade.

Public Authorities

March 2013 —

Growth in the number, cost and influence of public authorities has necessitated increased disclosure and oversight of their activities, which historically have been less transparent than those of State agencies.

Budget & Finances

March 2013 —

On January 29, 2013, Mayor Bloomberg released his executive budget for FY 2014 and the associated four-year financial plan (“the January Plan”). The January Plan reflects the City’s failure to reach agreement with the United Federation of Teachers on a new teacher evaluation system, which may result in the loss of $250 million in State education aid and cuts in educational services. The January Plan also reflects the estimated cost of Superstorm Sandy.

Budget & Finances, Federal Issues

March 2013 —

The Executive Budget for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2013-14 was released by the Executive on January 22, 2013. On February 21, the Executive submitted final amendments to the proposed budget, to supplement the 21-day amendments previously released.

Public Authorities

March 2013 —

Public authorities make up an increasingly large and influential sphere of government in New York State.

Budget & Finances, Infrastructure, Transportation

March 2013 —

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) is constructing one of the largest and most complex public works projects in the country, East Side Access (ESA).

Budget & Finances

March 2013 —

The City of Rochester projects large and growing budget gaps in its 2013-14 through 2017-18 fiscal years. Absent significant spending cuts or increasing revenues, the gaps could cause the City to exhaust its available fund balance within the next two fiscal years.

Wall Street

February 2013 —

Cash bonuses paid to New York City securities industry employees are forecast to rise by 8 percent to $20 billion during this year’s bonus season.

Budget & Finances

February 2013 —

The City of Syracuse faces many of the same challenges as other upstate cities. However, a larger than average percentage of its property tax base is either exempt or delinquent and growing fixed costs in the budgets of the City and the dependent school district have created chronic budget gaps.

Budget & Finances

February 2013 —

By several measures, Yonkers is better off than many other cities in the State. Despite these advantages, the City has been challenged by significant structural budget gaps and, by the end of its 2011 fiscal year, the City had essentially depleted its general fund reserves.


February 2013 —

Sluggish growth in sales tax revenues adds additional pressure to already strained county budgets and to the budgets of other local governments that receive sales tax revenues through sharing agreements.

County-by-county data - pdf

Budget & Finances

February 2013 —

The State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2013-14 Executive Budget continues the State’s effort to move toward long-term structural balance.

Budget & Finances

February 2013 —

Gloversville faces significant fiscal challenges as it has nearly exhausted its constitutional taxing limit, severely limiting its flexibility to address unforeseen expenses and make ongoing infrastructure investments.

Budget & Finances

January 2013 —

Utica has been in fiscal decline in recent years, relying on non-recurring revenues to fill budget gaps. Its new mayor has vowed to work with the City Council and OSC to ensure that the City remains in control of its own financial future.

Budget & Finances

January 2013 —

From 2001 to 2011, total federal and state aid combined, grew at an average rate of 2.2 percent annually, slower than the rate of inflation (2.4 percent).

Budget & Finances

January 2013 —

Longstanding concern over New York’s high debt levels, debt service costs, and imprudent use of borrowing led the Legislature to impose limits on State debt and enact related reforms in 2000.

Budget & Finances, Infrastructure

December 2012 —

Local governments’ infrastructure needs are substantial and growing, while their ability to maintain their investments in capital programs is increasingly constrained. State policy changes could help reverse this trend.