IV. Accounting Codes - Uses and Descriptions

Guide to Financial Operations

IV.4.B Department Operations – Non-Personal Service

IV. Accounting Codes - Uses and Descriptions
Guide to Financial Operations

Click here to download the tables below as a Microsoft Excel file.

Contractual Services

Contractual services are defined as an agreement between two or more parties to provide an intangible service such as banking services, repairs and maintenance, computer services, consultant services, accounting/auditing services, legal services, etc.

Contractual services do not involve consumable goods and no transfer of an asset (to the State) occurs when services are provided although there are probably many instances of contracts for both goods and services where one cannot be separated from the other.

CategorySFS AccountTitleDescription

IT Lease/Lease Purchase


If title of equipment passes to the State at the conclusion of the lease then agencies must use one of these Computer Equipment & Parts account codes

51001Mainframe LeasePayments for lease or rent of high-performance computer used for large-scale applications and computing purposes.
51002PC LeasePersonal computer leases including desktop, laptop, notebook and tablet.
51003Printer LeasePayments for lease or rent of high- performance printers.
51004Server LeasePayments for lease or rent of high-performance servers used for large-scale applications.
Software51060Business Function Specific SoftwareSoftware that helps automate an organization’s business functions (e.g., procurement software, accounting software, etc.).
51061Computer Game/ Entertainment SoftwareVideo games or other entertainment played on a personal computer.
51062Content Authoring/Editing SoftwareSoftware used to create, edit and update content.
51063Content Management
Software that supports the collection, managing, and publishing of information in any form or medium.
51064Data Management/Query SoftwareSoftware that controls the creation, maintenance, and use of a database.
51065Development SoftwareA program or application that software developers use to create, debug, maintain, or otherwise support other programs and applications.
51066Educational/Reference SoftwareSoftware for which the primary purpose is teaching or self-learning.
51067Electrical Equipment SoftwareSoftware for monitoring electrical equipment such as HVAC systems, etc.
51068Enterprise License AgreementsVolume licensing packages for a specific type of software or for a line of software products from a specific vendor.
51069Finance Accounting/ Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) SoftwareSoftware related to general ledger, payables, cash management, fixed assets, receivables, budgeting or an ERP application that integrates internal and external management information across an entire organization.
51069Finance Accounting/ Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) SoftwareSoftware related to general ledger, payables, cash management, fixed assets, receivables, budgeting or an ERP application that integrates internal and external management information across an entire organization.
51070Industry-Specific SoftwareIndustry-Specific Software. Software developed for the use of a specific industry, e.g. retail, automotive, and engineering.
51071Information Exchange SoftwareAutomated information sharing across organizations.
51072Network Applications SoftwareSoftware application that implements a network.
51073Network Management SoftwareThe software that sits on the Network Management Station (NMS) and retrieves data from a Management Agent (MA).
51074Networking SoftwareThe information, data or programming used to make it possible for computers to communicate or connect to one another.
51075Operating Environment SoftwareApplication software comprising the "look and feel" of the system, its appearance and the things that have to be done to achieve desired results, e.g. Microsoft Windows, Unix, etc.
51076Security/Protection SoftwareSoftware providing protection against viruses, spyware, malware and other system vulnerabilities.
51077System Management SoftwareSoftware for the centralized management of distributed systems, including hardware and software inventory, server availability monitoring and metrics, user activity monitoring, capacity monitoring, etc.

IT Consulting Services


Consultants engaged in the study, design, development, and implementation, of new computer-based information systems (both software and hardware)

51080Applications DevelopmentMainframe software applications design; personal computer application design; application programming services; operating system programming services; client or server programming services; ERP or database applications programming services; application implementation services; internet or intranet client application development services; internet or intranet server application development services.
51081Hardware/Software InstallationInstallation or set-up of computer software; physical installation or set-up of computer hardware.
51082Help DeskLevel 1 IT help desk services.
51083Network DesignWide area or local area network communications design electronic data interchange EDI design; database design; systems architecture; network planning services; systems planning services; telecommunications planning services.
51084ProgrammingDesigning, writing, testing, debugging, and maintaining the source code of computer programs.
51085Project ManagementPlanning, organizing, securing and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives.
51086Risk ManagementComputer or network or internet security; third party warranty service; quality assurance services; system usability services.
51087Systems IntegrationSystems integration design; system analysis service; system installation service.
51088Non-Classified IT ConsultingSupport and Administrative services for fax, telephone, pager, voicemail, network voice, data voice, videoconference, etc

IT Services Maintenance and Support


Consultants engaged in the support or management of existing computer-based information systems (both software and hardware)

51090Data Management ServicesOnline data processing service; data processing or preparation services; data center services; disaster recovery services; document scanning service; data storage service; content or data standardization services; CD ROM mastering services; content or data classification services; data conversion service.
51091Internet ServicesInternet service providers ISP; electronic mail service provider; World wide web WWW site design; web search engine providers; WWW site operation host services; application service providers; internet domain names.
51092IT Equipment Maintenance & SupportMaintenance and support services for computer hardware; disk storage systems; near line or backup systems; mainframe computers; servers; printers; PC’s, work stations or notebooks.
51093Software Maintenance & SupportMaintenance and support services for computer software applications including but not limited to business applications, network applications, operating system applications and server applications.
Communications51100Cell Phone ServicePayments to service provider for cell phones
51101Phone – Local & Long DistancePayments to service provider for (hard-wired) local and long distance phone services.
51102Radio ServicesPayments to service provider for radio services that are NOT related to advertising.
51103Television ServicesPayments to service provider for television service including closed caption; that is NOT related to advertising.
51104Enhanced Telecommunications ServicesVoice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) or other digital enhanced telecommunications services.
Computer Services51120Cloud ComputingPayments to a cloud computing service provider for on-demand computer resources (data, software) via an external computer network, rather than from a local computer or server.
Energy52015Energy Performance ContractsInspection, survey and analysis of energy flows for energy conservation in a building, process, or system to reduce the amount of energy used.
Water and Sewage53001SewerService charges for sewer.
53002WaterService charges for water.
Administrative & Clerical55001Administrative & ClericalTemporary contract workers provided by staffing companies to provide administrative or clerical support.
Advocacy55028AdvocacyAdvocacy services

Advertising & Marketing


Expenses associated with promoting goods, business development, and tourism in New York State

55010Media – Newspaper/Billboards/TransitNewspaper or billboard advertising and marketing expenses including transit.
55011Media – Online/DigitalInternet or e-mail advertising and marketing expenses such as sporting events and digital displays.
55012Media – RadioRadio advertising and marketing expenses.
55013Media – TV/CinemaTelevision and cinema advertising and marketing expenses.
55015Promotional AdvertisingAdvertising and marketing expenses for promotional purposes e.g. sporting events, .
55020Commercial PrintingCommercial printing including print of brochures and catalogs used to promote business and travel in New York State.
55021CreativeConsultants engaged to develop and provide creative marketing and advertising strategies.
55022PhotographyPhotographer services associated with advertising and marketing.
55023PublicationsPoint of sale merchandise displays, displays for marketing/advertising materials, etc.
55024Reproduction Services (Copying)Commercial reproduction (photocopying) services of brochures catalogs, magazine, booklets, binding, finishing, etc.
Printing (Non-Advertising)55030Commercial Printing Non AdvCommercial printing – including print of brochures, catalogs magazine, booklets, binding, finishing, etc.
55031Photography Non AdvPhotographer services associated with agency-sponsored events and activities.
55033Reproduction Services Non Adv (Copying)Reproduction (photocopying) services of booklets and other information materials (e.g. public health information, applications, tax forms, binding, finishing, etc. that are NOT related to advertising and marketing activities.
Appraisal55040AppraisalAppraisal services related to real estate, insurance, employee benefit plans, etc.
Architect55041ArchitectArchitecture, interior design and space planning services.
Asbestos Abatement55042Asbestos AbatementExpenses for the removal or enclosure of asbestos.
Auditing-Performance (Non-Finance)55043Auditing Performance (Non-Finance)Advisory or consulting services where the scope of the engagement is NOT related to the preparation or audit of financial records or statements (e.g. project management, internal control assessment, human resource management, etc.).
Call Centers55044Call CentersContractual service expenses associated private firms who manage incoming calls from customers and taxpayers to take orders, answer inquiries and questions, handle complaints, troubleshoot problems and provide information.
Case Management55045Case ManagementConsultants engaged to provide case management services on behalf of clients primarily related to coordination of medical care treatment and community mental health plans.
Cleaning – Non State Facilities55046Cleaning – Non-State FacilitiesJanitorial services provided at non-state facilities (e.g. community residences).
Client Services (Miscellaneous)55047Client Services (Unclassified)Services provided to wards of the state such as, barber/ beautician, religious/ cleric, etc.
Community Improvement55048Community ImprovementServices provided for improvements in communities
Cooling – Refrigeration Services55223Cooling – Refrigeration ServicesServices provided for refrigeration and cooling
Conferences/Training55050Conference/Training – In- StateRegistration fees and costs for sponsoring or hosting in-state training and conferences. DOES NOT include employee travel expenses.
55051Conference/Training – Out of StateRegistration fees and costs for sponsoring or hosting out of state training and conferences. DOES NOT include employee travel expenses.
Counseling55060CounselingServices provided to wards of the State and clients who require advice, assistance and guidance in resolving personal, social, or psychological problems and difficulties.
Dietetics & Nutrition55061Dietetics & NutritionFood and nutrition services including food service management.
Educational Services55062Educational ServicesIndependent educational consultant engaged to assist parents/students and organizations with educational planning. This category includes educational vocational and school counselors.
Engineers55070Design EngineersDesign engineer expenses related to preparation of blueprints and schematics for various structures, and building systems.
55071Bridge Inspection EngineersInspection of existing bridges in order to determine their physical condition, maintenance needs, and potential hazards.
55072Construction Inspection EngineersSite inspection of highway, bridge, airport, rail, building, waterway, systems, and utility construction projects.
55073Plant Inspection EngineersAssessment and inspection of the condition of State facilities (e.g. Cook/Chill food preparation) to ensure compliance with State and local codes.
55074Non-Classified EngineersAll other activities using licensed engineers.
Environmental Assessment55080Environmental AssessmentEnvironmental consultant engaged to assess compliance with environmental regulations or environmental problems that may exist on State or public properties.
Environmental Cleanup55081Environmental CleanupEnvironmental cleanup expenses include on-site and emergency response service; remediation support services; waste recycling, transportation and disposal, and hazardous waste management services.
Financial Services55090AccountingAccounting services provided by an independent contractor that DO NOT involve auditing services.
55091ActuarialActuarial services provided in connection with the assessment of financial consequences of risk (e.g. retirement systems, insurance plans, etc.).
55092Administrative FeePayment for general administrative services.
55093Auditing (Independent)Auditing expenses related to internal controls or the preparation or audit of financial records or statements.
Banking Services55100Credit Card Deposit ProcessingPayment for account services provided by to credit card companies.
55101EBT FeesPayment for banking services provided for Electronic Benefit Transfers (EBT).
55102LockboxPayment for banking services provided for lockbox revenue services.
Debt/Financing Related55110Auction Agent FeeAgent fee for acting on behalf of the State to buy and sell investments, commodities (e.g. collectibles) and execution of auction agent activities (auctioneer) for auction rate bonds.
55111Broker-Dealer FeeFee paid to a person, company or other organization that trades securities on behalf of the State.
55112Capital Cost FeeFixed, one-time expense (or fee) incurred on the purchase of land, buildings construction and equipment used in the production of goods or in the rendering of services needed to bring a project to a commercially operable status.
55113Financial Advisor FeePayment for debt- related advisement services (e.g. bond sales, debt portfolio management, municipal debt review).
55114Letter of Credit/Liquidity FeePayment for liquidity facilities associated with Variable Rate Demand Bonds.
55115Related Expenses MiscPayment for miscellaneous services associated with administering a debt portfolio.
55116Remarketing FeePayment for remarketing services associated with Variable Rate Demand Bonds.
55117Statistical AssistantsPayment for Arbitrage Calculator Services or Verification Agent Services.
55118Trustee/Fiscal AgentPayment for banking services related to the issuing, paying and tendering of bonds.
55119UnderwritersCompensation paid for underwriting and selling bonds.
Food Preparation55120Food PreparationIndependent contractors engaged to prepare and distribute food/ meals to clients at State-operated facilities.
Health Services/Medical55125Clinical & Laboratory ServicesClinical and laboratory services to support medical testing, investigations and public health (for non-medical lab services use 55154).
55126Dental ServicesServices related to dentistry including dentists, dental hygienists, technicians, assistants and specialized dentistry.
55127Health Management ServicesAny health-related contract services not specifically identified elsewhere.
55128Home Health AidesHome Health Aides
55129HospitalsPayment to hospitals for medical treatment provided to wards of the State.
55130Medical SecretariesMedical Secretaries
55131Medical/Lab TechniciansMedical/Lab Technicians
55136Nursing Aide/Orderly/ AttendantNursing Aide/Orderly/ Attendant
55137Occupational TherapistOccupational Therapist
55138Ophthalmic DispensingOphthalmic Dispensing
55140Physical TherapistPhysical Therapist
55142Physician AssistantPhysician Assistant
55145Respiratory TherapistRespiratory Therapist
55146Speech Language PathologistSpeech Language Pathologist
55147Veterinarian/Veterinary TechVeterinarian / Veterinary Tech
Industrial Services55150Industrial ServicesIntegrated maintenance, inspection and construction of mechanical and plumbing systems, machining, mining, logging, services, etc.
Industrial Truck/Tractor Operators55151Industrial Truck/Tractor OperatorsIndustrial Truck/Tractor Operators
Inmate/Client Wages55152Inmate/Client WagesInmate/client wages (work for pay).
Interpretation/Translation55153Interpretation/TranslationServices provided to translate or interpret written or spoken words.
Lab Technician/ Technologist (Non- Medical)55154Lab Technician/Technologist (Non-Medical)Clinical and laboratory services to support non-medical testing such as criminal investigations and environmental testing (for non-medical lab services use 55154)
Laundry55155Laundry Professional ServicesLaundry and dry cleaning services provided by independent contractors.
Jury Services55160Jury Services – LodgingUCS Use Only – Payment of lodging expenses during jury sequestration.
55161Jury Services – MealsUCS Use Only – Payment of meal expenses during jury sequestration.
55162Jury Services – Per DiemUCS Use Only – Per Diem payment for jury service.
55163Jury Services - TransportationUCS Use Only – Payment of transportation expenses during jury duty or sequestration.
Legal55170Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)Fees paid to an independent mediator to help people resolve legal problems, without resorting to litigation. {Mediators do not determine the outcome.}
55171ArbitratorCosts associated with the hearing and determination of a case in controversy by an arbiter. Contractual Services
55172Assigned CounselFees paid to attorneys, on appeal, to provide counsel to persons who are financially unable to hire their own attorney.
55173AttorneyFees paid to attorneys for various legal services such as bond counsel, agency representation in court/hearings, review of documents, etc.
55174Attorney for Child (UCS)Fees paid to attorneys to service the legal needs of children in Family Court, Supreme Court custody and Integrated Domestic Violence, etc. matters pursuant to §245 - Family Court Act Section 245 and §25 - Judiciary Law.
55175Court ReporterFees paid to persons responsible for verbatim recording testimony in formal and informal court settings, such as trials, conferences, calendar calls, arraignments and hearings.
55176Expert WitnessFees paid to persons who by virtue of education, training, skill, or experience, have expertise and specialized knowledge that others may officially and legally rely upon their scientific, technical or other opinion, through testimony in a legal or regulatory
55177Judicial Hearing OfficerFees paid to a judicial hearing officer to perform assigned duties in a courtroom or other facility designated for court proceedings.
55178Legal AidFees paid to Legal Aid attorneys to represent indigent clients in family, civil or criminal courts.
55179Small Claims Assessment Review (SCAR)Fees paid to persons to hear and decide real property tax assessment disputes.
Maintenance Services55180BoilersBoiler maintenance, installation and set-up, repair or operation services.
55181CustodialPayments to independent contractors for custodial/janitorial services.
55182ElectricalLighting installation, electrical power system, computerized system, cable television, fiber optic maintenance services.
55183ElevatorsElevator maintenance services.
55184Fire Alarm/SuppressionFire protection system and equipment maintenance or repair service.
55185GeneratorsPower generation equipment maintenance or repair.
55186Highway MaintenancePayments to independent contractors for highway maintenance services including grass cutting, tree pruning or removal, etc.
55187HVAC/ChillerHVAC mechanical, process piping, solar energy, ventilation and duct work, refrigeration, heating system construction services.
55188Lawn ServicesGrass mowing, tree pruning, litter pickup on state-operated properties.
55189Medical WastePayments to independent contractors for removal and disposal of medical waste.
55190Pest ControlPayments to independent contractors for assessment, eradication and monitoring of pests and insects.
55191PlumbingPlumbing system maintenance or repair.
55192RubbishPayments to independent contractors for trash/rubbish removal and document shredding.
55193Snow RemovalPayments to independent contractors for snow plowing and/or removal.
55194Management of State FacilitiesPayments to independent contractors to coordinate, supervise and inspect all facets of property management including repairs and use of state grounds.
Movers55200MoversPayments to independent contractors for moving services.
Performers & Entertainers55201Performers & EntertainersFee paid to professional performers and entertainers at State-sponsored events including talent agent fees.
Photographer55202PhotographerFee paid to photographers.
Preservation Services55204Preservation ServicesPayments to independent contractors or firms for restoration and preservation of government documents, artwork and historical treasures.
Public Relations / Public Information Services55206Public Relations/Public Information OfficerPayments to independent contractors or firms for public relations and information sharing services.
Research & Analysis55207Research & AnalysisPayments to independent contractors or firms for research and analysis of non-finance (e.g. public policy, health, social service, etc.) topics.
Reservation Services55222Reservation ServicesPayments to independent contractors or firms for reservation arrangements such as travel agents or for parks, pools etc.
Security55210Dispatcher – Police/Fire/ AmbulancePayments to independent contractors or firms who receive emergency calls and dispatch police, fire or ambulance services.
55211Fingerprinting & Background ChecksPayments to independent contractors, firms or other government units for fingerprinting and background checks of employees, volunteers, and clients.
55212GuardsBuilding and property security guards.
55213Security Alarm SystemsExpenses for security alarm systems (including wiretapping) installed in state facilities/buildings.
Shipping55220Shipping, Postage and Mail ServicesCosts for shipping packages/containers. NOTE: costs for postage stamps should be charged to Office Supplies 57032.
Transcription Services55221Transcription ServicesFees paid to persons responsible for transcribing testimony in formal court cases and informal settings such as hearings, conferences, calendar calls, etc. Contractual Services
Transportation Services55230Client/Inmate TransportationExpenses incurred to transport inmates and clients
55240Courier - ArmedArmored car transportation using armed guards, money processing, long-distance transport of valuables, vaulting, etc.
55241Courier - UnarmedArmored car transportation using unarmed guards, money processing, long-distance transport of valuables, vaulting, etc.
55250Employee ShuttlesTransportation of employees to/from work location and parking facilities.
55251PermitsFees paid for government-issued vehicle permits required for registration, load, access, parking, hazardous materials, etc. transportation purposes.

Equipment Repairs & Maintenance







56001Appliances Repairs & MaintenancePurchase of goods used to repair or services to maintain major appliances.
56002Assistive Technology Repairs & MaintenancePurchase of goods used to repair or services to maintain assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for people with disabilities.
56003Aviation Repairs & MaintenancePurchase of goods used to repair or services to maintain aviation equipment.
56004Buildings & Grounds Equipment Repairs & MaintenancePurchase of goods used to repair or services to maintain equipment used by state employees to maintain buildings and grounds (e.g. pressure washers, lawn mowers, snow plows, steel, lead, tin, copper, garage doors, windows, beams, etc).
56006Heavy Machinery Repairs & MaintenancePurchase of goods used to repair or services to maintain heavy machinery used by state employees.
56007Marine Repairs & MaintenancePurchase of goods used to repair or services to maintain marine equipment.
56008Medical & Dental Equipment Repairs & MaintenancePurchase of goods used to repair or services to maintain medical and dental equipment.
56009Office Equipment Repairs & MaintenancePurchase of goods used to repair or services to maintain office equipment and furnishings.
56010Railway Equipment Repairs & MaintenancePurchase of goods used to repair or services to maintain rolling stock and rail equipment.
56011Safety Equipment Repairs & MaintenancePurchase of goods used to repair or services to maintain safety equipment.
56012Scientific Equipment Repairs & MaintenancePurchase of goods used to repair or services to maintain scientific and laboratory equipment.
56013Security Equipment Repairs & MaintenancePurchase of goods used to repair or services to maintain security equipment.
56014Vehicles Repairs & MaintenancePurchase of goods used to repair or maintain autos, vans, buses, light duty trucks such as tires, oil, wiper blades, etc.
Equipment Rentals and Leases56020Equipment LeaseLong-term equipment contract leases.
56021Equipment RentalsShort-term equipment rentals.
56022Motor Vehicle LeaseAutos, Vans, Buses, Light Duty Truck leases.

Inter-Agency Services

Payment for goods or services provided by another State agency


Typically these charges are assessed to agencies receiving the goods or services and payment is made through the SFS inter-agency billing systems.

58001AuditingInter-agency payment to OSC Internal Service Fund for auditing services.
58002Central Printing/CopyingInter-agency payment to Centralized Services Fund.
58003Centralized CIO/OFT ServicesInter-agency payment for development and operation on the New York Intranet (NYNet) and telecommunication systems.
58004Civil Service ChargebackInter-agency payments for administration of the Civil Service Department as provided in §11 of the Civil Service Law, and the administration of health insurance programs.
58005Design & ConstructionInter-agency payment to Centralized Services Fund.
58006FingerprintingInter-agency payment for employee fingerprinting charges.
58007Fleet FuelInter-agency payment to Centralized Services Fund.
58008InsuranceInter-agency payment to Centralized Services Fund.
58009Inter-Agency MailInter-agency payment to Centralized Services Fund.
58010LRS (Legal Services)Payments to Legislative Bill Drafting Commission for subscription to LRS.
58011Cook-ChillPayments to Cook/Chill Production Center (CCPC) for purchase of food used in State-operated facilities.
58012Agency Print ISPrinting, photocopying, and design services provided internally.
58013ParkingInter-agency payment to Centralized Services Fund.
58014Records ManagementInter-agency payment for records management activities including reimbursement for direct storage costs and disposal of records.
58015Security CardsInter-agency payment to Centralized Services Fund for employee ID cards.
58016Space ChargebackInter-agency payment to Centralized Services Fund.
58017Tenant RenovationInter-agency payment to Centralized Services Fund.
58018TrainingInter-agency payment for training provided by one agency to employees of another agency.
58019UtilitiesInter-agency payment to Centralized Services Fund for electric service.
Insurance (Non-employee)58100Insurance (Non-employee)Includes building, vehicle, and fidelity insurance premiums.
Real Property Leases58201Base RentBase rental payment for office, warehouse and storage space.
58202Lease ImprovementsCharges by landlord for alterations to leased space.
58203Operating Cost EscalationAmounts paid for tenant share of operating cost increases over the base year amount including janitorial, building maintenance and common area costs.
58204Tax EscalationAmounts paid for tenant share of real estate tax increases over the base year amount (includes estimated payments).
58205Parking/Other IncidentalsOther sundry charges by the landlord. Such items as parking, service contract provided through the landlord (HVAC maintenance) lock charges and special cleaning (carpet shampoo).
Easements - Expense58301Easements - ExpensePayments to land owners for temporary access to privately owned lands.
Interest Expense58401Prompt Payment InterestInterest on late payments for unjustified delays in paying vendors, and providers of service pursuant to Article 11-A of the State Finance Law.
58402Interest on Leases, Loans and Land ClaimsInterest payments related to lease purchases including COPS, UI interest assessment payments and land claims (eminent domain). For interest payments on claims, awards, judgments and settlement agreements see account 60200 in Section 5.C - General State Charges – Claims, Awards, Judgments, and Settlement Agreements.
58403Prompt Contracting InterestInterest payments to not-for-profit entities when contract payments are late due to untimely delays in contract processing and in which no advance or loan was provided.
Memberships58501MembershipsDues and membership fees paid to professional organizations.
Stipends/Honorariums/Annuities58601Stipends/ Honorariums /AnnuitiesFixed or regular allowance payments for a specified period of time (e.g. stipends to students), and voluntary payments given for professional services (e.g. speech, invocations or public address).
Scholarships58701ScholarshipsPayment made to support a student's education, awarded on the basis of academic achievement or other factors.
Payments to Public Authorities58901Public Authorities PaymentsAppropriated payments to public authorities for operating costs, local assistance or capital projects expenses. NOTE: This category DOES NOT include debt service payments.
Retainage58951RetainageRetainage is the amount temporarily withheld from contract payment(s) to ensure performance. This account code is used for both the withholding and release of monies to the payee.
Escrow Payments58961Escrow Fund PaymentsRelease of funds held in temporary escrow (e.g. Agency Fund) held by the State as an agent for individuals, private organizations or other governmental units.
Refunds58981RefundsReturn of all or a portion of, a tax, fee, fine, etc. paid by a claimant to the State. In accordance with State Finance Law §8 all refunds are audited by OSC prior to payment.
Fees58983Process ServicePayments related to process severing fees.
58984Subpoena FeePayments related to subpoena fees.
58985Sheriff's FeePayments related Sheriff’s fees as part of a legal action.
58986Court Filing FeesPayments related to court filing fees. Filing fees are set forth in the Civil Practice Law and Rules (CPLR)
58988Court Ordered FeesPayments related to the various types of court fees.
58990Civil Legal ServicesPayments related to civil legal aid.
58995NPS Advance PaymentsWhen an advance payment is issued on a contract to Not-For-Profit Vendors

Cash Advances

Cash Advances to State agencies are authorized in State Finance Law

59005Professional Service AdvanceCash advance issued (increases/decreases) to State agencies for services provided by individuals.

Employee work-related travel including public transportation, mileage, lodging, meals, and other miscellaneous expenses.


CategorySFS AccountTitleDescription

Employee Travel

Travel includes all expenditures incurred by State employees in connection with travel while on official State business.

54010Employee Travel – AirplanePayments to airline companies or travel agents for air fare.
54011Travel Card UnclassifiedTemporary account class used for travel credit card payments. Once credit card statement is reconciled and accounts are identified then a journal entry is required to transfer these charges to the proper travel account code(s).
54013Employee Travel – LodgingHotels, Motels
54014Employee Travel – MealsPer diem payment to employee for breakfast and dinner.
54015Employee Travel – MileageMileage reimbursement to employees for personal use of vehicle.
54016Employee Travel – Mileage Client TransportMileage reimbursement to employees for personal use of vehicle to transport clients.
54017Employee Travel – Parking, Tolls, IncidentalsParking, Tolls, Incidentals (passport fees, visa fee, currency conversion, travelers’ checks, telephone calls, etc.).
54018Employee Travel – Prepaid Travel AP Unclassified (Once employee travel is completed and receipts are turned in, then a journal entry is required to transfer this advance charge to the proper travel account codes.)Temporary account class - Cash advance to employee from appropriated agency funds.
54019Employee Travel – Public TransportationSubway tokens, bus fares, taxi fares, ferry fares, etc.
54020Employee Travel – RentalVehicle rental including marine craft, automobiles.
54021Employee Travel – SuppliesBooks, magazines, carry bags, etc.
54022Employee Travel – TrainTrain fare.
54023Employee Travel – Per DiemReimbursement to employee of ‘receipted’ meal and/or lodging expenses OR per diem for meal and/or lodging expenses while in travel status.

Non-Employee Travel

This category includes reimbursement of travel expenses of non-salaried public officers who are members of boards, commissions, advisory councils, etc. established by law who serve without salary.

54101Non-Employee Travel – Board MemberNon-employee travel expenses incurred by a Board or Commission member.
54102Non-Employee Travel – ConsultantNon-employee travel expenses incurred by a consultant pursuant to contract.
54103Non-Employee Travel – SpeakerNon-employee travel expenses incurred by a speaker at a state-sponsored function or event.
54104Non-Employee Travel – TeamNon-employee travel expenses incurred by sports teams (e.g. university basketball team).
54105Non-Employee Travel – UnclassifiedAll other non-employee travel expenses (e.g. performers at State-sponsored events).

Cash Advances

Cash Advances to State agencies are authorized in State Finance Law

59002Travel AdvanceCash advance issued (increases/decreases) to State agencies for employee travel.

Purchased or leased equipment including vehicles, computers, information technology (IT) equipment, printers, office equipment, and furniture.

CategorySFS AccountTitleDescription
Personal Communication Devices & Parts51010TelephonesTraditional point-to-point desktop telephones such as digital phones.
51011IP PhonesTelephones using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Technology.
51012Mobile Phones (excludes smart phones included in 51040)Cell phones used to make mobile telephone calls.
51013Public Safety RadiosPortable radio and radio systems for public safety officials.
51014Unclassified Personal Communication Devices/PartsOther portable communication devices including headsets, hands-free car kits, etc.
51021Unclassified Telecom StorageStorage related to telecommunications.

Computer Equipment

If title of equipment passes to the State at the conclusion of a lease, agencies must use these Computer Equipment & Parts account codes

51031Computer ServersPurchase of a computer or computer appliance intended for hosting software applications in a network environment.
51032Desktop ComputersPurchase of a personal computer (PC) in a form intended for regular use at a single location, as opposed to a mobile laptop or portable computer.
51033IT Mainframe PrinterPurchase of a printer for use with a mainframe computer
51034IT Network Capable PrinterPurchase of a printer with built-in network interfaces that can serve as a hard copy device for any user on the network.
51035IT Personal PrinterPurchase of a printer located on or near a user’s desktop connected solely to a single or few personal computers.
51036Mainframe ComputersPurchase of traditional, large, institutional computer intended to service multiple users and capable of handling and processing very large amounts of data quickly.
51037Multifunction Printing DevicesPurchase of printers that include non-printing features are sometimes called multifunction printers (MFP), multi-function devices (MFD), or all-in-one (AIO) printers and photocopiers. Most MFPs include printing, scanning, and copying among their many features.
51038Notebook ComputersPurchase of a personal computer for mobile use.
51040Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)Purchase of a mobile device that functions as a personal information manager. Current PDAs often have the ability to connect to the Internet and contain calendar and email functions as well as mobile telephones. Examples are Blackberries, IPhones, Androids, etc.
51041Specialty PrintersPurchase of plotters, large commercial printers, other printers for specialized use.
51042Thin Client ComputersPurchase of a desktop computer where the operating system is provided on a server and not a dedicated Central Processing Unit (CPU).
Video/Data/Voice Equipment & Parts51050Videoconferencing SystemsA set of interactive telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to interact via two-way video and audio transmissions simultaneously.
51051Storage Area Network (SAN) SwitchA core component of most storage area networks (SAN) which allows many-to-many communication, device name lookup, security, and redundancy.
51052Unclassified Data/Voice Equipment & PartsVarious equipment & parts for video, data and voice technologies including wires, conductors, cables, circuit cards, boards, amplifiers, communication filters, satellite equipment, adapters, etc.
Equipment Acquisition56030Acquisition – AppliancesAcquisition of major appliances – washers, dryers, refrigerators, floor /carpet, cleaners, stoves.
56031Acquisition – Assistive TechnologyPurchase of assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for people with disabilities (e.g. Braille displays /encoders, hearing devices, amplified phones, etc.)
56032Acquisition – AviationPurchase of aviation equipment such as planes, helicopter, gate equipment, docking systems and other similar aircraft equipment.
56033Acquisition – Building & Grounds EquipmentEquipment used to maintain buildings and grounds such as lawnmowers, pressure washers, snow plows, ladders, etc.
56040Acquisition – Office FurnishingsFurniture and furnishings such as desks, bookshelves, storage cabinets, beds, tables, benches, etc.
56041Acquisition – Residential FurnishingsKitchen and bath utensils and furnishings.
56050Acquisition – Heavy EquipmentPurchase of equipment primarily used in construction – heavy duty trucks, cranes, earth movers, etc.
56051Acquisition – MarineAcquisition of marine equipment and accessories such as boats, boat trailers, anchors, docks, buoys, boat covers, etc.
56052Acquisition – Medical & DentalAcquisition of equipment used in medical or dental facilities.
56053Acquisition – Office EquipmentPurchase of office equipment such as video projectors, public address systems, audio-conferencing systems, microfiche, cameras, etc.
56054Acquisition – RailwayAcquisition of transit and rail equipment including locomotive, railcar, grade crossing systems, rail repair, etc.
56055Acquisition – Safety EquipmentPurchase of safety equipment such as column/crash protectors and safety cones, fire extinguishers, hazardous chemical storage containers, first aid kits, barricades, clothing and gloves, etc.
56056Acquisition – Scientific EquipmentPurchase of equipment and instruments used in scientific and testing laboratories.
56057Acquisition – Security EquipmentPurchase of equipment used to secure and protect people and property.
56058Acquisition – VehiclesPurchase of autos, vans, buses, light duty trucks.
58020IT COPS Equipment Princ ISPayments related to the purchase of equipment through the State's Certificate of Participation program.
Supplies and Materials

Supplies and materials including food, beverages, fuels, medical supplies, clothing, footwear, and miscellaneous office supplies.

CategorySFS AccountTitleDescription
Computer Supplies 
and Parts
51117Parts and PeripheralsPurchase of a peripheral device attached to a host computer, but not part of it, and is more or less dependent on the host. Examples are image scanners, tape drives, microphones, loudspeakers, webcams, and digital cameras. Computer parts are replacement parts essential to the operation of the computer (e.g. hard drive).
51118Computer AccessoriesPurchase of a computer or computer appliance intended for hosting software applications in a network environment.
51119Media Storage DevicesData storage equipment used to backup and archive data such as USB flash drive, external disk drive, CD/DVD’s, server storage drives.
Electricity52001Electricity – CommodityPayment for electricity usage in a State building/facility or for State use of a building/facility or to operate motorized vehicles and equipment.
52002Electricity – TransmissionService charges for delivery of electric service(s) to end-user.
Motor Vehicle Fuels52010Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)Purchase of CNG used to operate motorized vehicles and equipment.
52011DieselPurchase of diesel fuel used to operate motorized vehicles and equipment.
52012GasolinePurchase of gasoline used to operate motorized vehicles and equipment.
52013HydrogenPurchase of hydrogen gas used to operate motorized vehicles and equipment.
52014Motor Vehicle PropanePurchase of propane gas used to operate motorized vehicles and equipment.
56059Intra-Agency Vehicle ChargebackCharges within an agency to allocate the costs associated with vehicle fuels
Gas Commodity52020MethanePurchase of methane gas from supplier or landfill owner.
52021Natural GasPayment based on gas usage in a State building/facility or for State use of a building/facility.
52022Propane (non-vehicle use)Purchase of propane gas from supplier for purposes other than to operate a motor vehicle or equipment.
Gas52025Gas – TransmissionService charges for delivery of gas service(s) to end-user.
Heating & Cooling Fuel Commodity52030H&C Commodity – Bio OilBio fuel (containing over 80% renewable materials) used to heat or cool State buildings or facilities.
52031H&C Commodity – Bio Oil BlendBio oil blended fuel used to heat or cool State buildings or facilities.
52032H&C Commodity – Chilled WaterChilled water used to heat or cool State buildings or facilities.
52033H&C Commodity – CoalCoal used to heat or cool State buildings or facilities.
52034H&C Commodity – Low Sulfur CoalLow Sulfur coal used to heat or cool State buildings or facilities.
52035H&C Commodity – Oil #2 / DieselOil #2 / Diesel fuel used to heat or cool State buildings or facilities.
52036H&C Commodity – Oil #4 & #6Oil #4 used to heat or cool State buildings or facilities.
52038H&C Commodity – Other Fuels & AdditivesOther fuels and additives used to heat or cool State Other fuels and additives used to heat or cool State buildings or facilities such as kerosene, aviation fuel, crude oil, marine fuel, charcoal, propylene, ethylene, butane, fuel thickeners, lubricants, anti corrosives, antifreeze, grease, etc.
52039H&C Commodity – SteamSteam used to heat or cool State buildings or facilities.
52040H&C Commodity – WoodWood fuel used to heat or cool State buildings or facilities.
52041H&C Commodity – Unclassified FuelAll other fuel used to heat or cool State buildings or facilities such as nuclear fuel, uranium, and plutonium.
Heating & Cooling Fuels52050H&C – TransmissionService charges associated with the delivery of heating and cooling fuels.
Employee Expense54001Employee Expense – Clothing & FootwearReimbursement to employees for purchase of wearing apparel, shoes, boots, etc.
54002Employee Expense – MovingMoving expense reimbursement to employees.
54003Employee Expense – Overtime MealsPayment of overtime meal allowance to employees.
54004Employee Expense – Receipted ReimbursementReimbursement to employee of work related expenses.
Supplies & Materials General55203Postage

Postage for mailing correspondence, brochures, renewal notices, etc. using US Postal Service and priority or overnight delivery services. NOTE: costs for shipping
packages/containers should be charged to Shipping, Postage and Mail Services 55220. 

The account 55203 will NOT be available in SFY 2024-25. 

57001Agricultural / AnimalAgricultural and livestock management supplies.
57002Building & GroundsSupplies used to maintain State facilities and grounds such as hardware, lighting, signage, garden and landscaping tools, paint and painter supplies, etc.
57003Asphalt / Road SurfacingAsphalt or road surfacing materials used to maintain roadways in proper operating condition for the duration of their useful life.
57004CleaningCleaning supplies including brooms, brushes, cleaning chemicals and other facility/residential cleaning supplies.
 57005LaundryLaundry supplies including sheets, towels, small appliances (.e.g. iron), detergent and other facility/ residential laundry supplies.
57006Non-Employee Clothing & FootwearWearing apparel, shoes, boots, etc. for residents or clients in State-operated facilities.
57007DentalDental instruments and supplies typically used in the practice of dentistry.
57008DrugsMedicines such as aspirin, ibuprofen, insulin, and prescription drugs
57009EducationalPurchase of supplies and aids used in an educational environment such as crayons, glue, paper, arts & craft materials, puzzles, games, play mats, etc.
57010Food & Related ConsumablesInstitutional food, bottled water, etc. purchased for consumption by residents or clients in State-operated facilities.
57011LaboratoryNon-medical testing supplies used in State-operated laboratories.
57012Linens / TowelsSheets, blankets, towels, etc. used in facility/residential facilities
57013Food Preparation SuppliesMaterials used in the preparation of food such as kitchen tools, baking pans, ice trays, platters, etc.
57020Manufacturing Materials – InventoryMaterials used in the production of goods for sale or use by the State such as lumber, sheet metal, fasteners, cloth, etc. Includes materials used by Corcraft.
57021Manufacturing Materials – Non InventoryMaterials used in the production of goods for sale or use by the State. Includes materials used by Corcraft.
57030MedicalSurgical instruments, first aid supplies, chemicals, testing materials.
57031Mineral & TextilePurchase of base metals, minerals, fabric and leather materials, threads and yarns, etc.
57032Office SuppliesPurchase of consumable office supplies such as paper, pens, pencils, clips, toner, ink, tape, postage stamps, etc.
57033Personal Hygiene (CDL)Monthly personal needs allowance (PNA) payments to clients and family care providers for clothing and incidental expenses of persons living in facilities operated or certified by the State.
57034RecreationalCampground, picnic, ski center, pool and other seasonal or recreational supplies, including physical education equipment, athletic supplies, etc.
57035Reference Books/ Magazines/Maps/SubscriptionReplacement law books, medical books, library books, periodicals, magazines and subscriptions for printed or electronic reference materials, electronic or sheet music, etc.
57036Road Salt/Sand/De-IceRoad salt/sand /de-ice.
57037Security SuppliesSecurity guard items such as ammunition, weapons, handcuffs, alarm systems used to protect State buildings and properties, fingerprint equipment, traffic beacons, protective clothing, life or water buoys, etc.
57038Tools & HardwarePurchase of tools and hardware used to repair building facilities and vehicles.
57039PhotoPhoto supplies including film, media cards, lens’, photo developing chemicals, etc.
57040Intra-Agency Office Services Chargeback 

Cash Advances

Cash Advances to State agencies are authorized in State Finance Law

59001Petty Cash AdvanceCash advance issued (increases/decreases) to State agencies for small dollar purchases of materials, supplies or services under $250 and salary advances.
59003Confidential AdvanceCash advance issued (increases/decreases) to select State agencies for ‘confidential’ purposes which require specific approval and requirements of OSC.
59004Other AdvanceCash advance issued (increases/decreases) to State agencies for special purposes such as cash to outgoing inmates or clients, work release and family care advances.
Indirect Costs

Indirect costs are costs that are not directly accountable to a type of expense (such as a particular function or product). Indirect costs may be either fixed or variable. Indirect costs include taxes, administration, personnel and security costs, and are also known as overhead.

SFS AccountTitleDescription
58801Indirect CostsPayment of statewide Federal indirect cost recovery assessments and other allocations to Federal programs, claimed and recovered to the degree permissible under applicable grant provisions and overall program requirements.
Other (Clearing Accounts, Allocation Accounts, SFS System Generated Transactions)
58971Procurement Card UnclassifiedTemporary account class used for credit card payments. Once credit card statement is reconciled and accounts are identified, then a journal entry is required to transfer these charges to the proper account code(s).
59103PPy Int ClPrompt Payment Interest clearing account
59999Ref App CLRefund of Appropriation clearing account


Allocated Contractual ServicesNon-Personal Service of Overhead and Administrative Costs
Allocated TravelNon-Personal Service of Overhead and Administrative Costs
Allocated EquipmentNon-Personal Service of Overhead and Administrative Costs

Guide to Financial Operations

REV. 03/07/2025