This section provides agencies with guidance regarding the proper use of category codes in the Statewide Financial System (SFS).
In the SFS, the category code is used on purchasing documents to identify the specific goods or services that are being purchased. Using the appropriate category code provides information to agencies to enhance future procurement decisions. Each category code is associated with a default account code. Agencies should choose the category code that best represents the goods or services being purchased to (i) ensure the correct account code defaults onto the transaction, (ii) validate purchases and (iii) accurately track and report spending information.
New York State (NYS) uses the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code® (UNSPSC®) set as the category code value.
Process and Transaction Preparation:
Online Agencies
Online agencies can select the category code on each line of a contract, purchase requisition and/or purchase order in the SFS from a condensed list of code values most appropriate to NYS purchases. If the category code is not on the condensed list or the agency wants to select a more detailed category code, agencies have the ability to manually enter any valid value from the UNSPSC code set. Please refer to SFSSecure for the complete list of valid category codes.
Bulkload Agencies
Bulkload agencies should include the category code on the transaction lines for contracts and purchase orders when the agency bulkloads a file into the SFS. Please refer to SFSSecure for the complete list of valid category codes.
All Agencies
Centralized and Agency Contract Purchases
Centralized and agency contracts are generally established with line(s) and category code(s) that represent the goods or services included in the contract. Agencies have the ability to make purchases against these contract lines with a more detailed category code on the purchase requisition and/or purchase order to better reflect the specific purchase being made. For example, an agency plans to purchase mechanical pencils from a centralized contract that has a line with the category code for office supplies. The agency can create a purchase order against this contract line and select the category code for mechanical pencils on the purchase order line.
Guide to Financial Operations
REV. 01/09/2019