City University of New York

Payroll Bulletins (P-Bulletins)

Bulletin # Date Subject Status
No. CU-130 01/08/02 Raises for College Assistants and Sign Language Interpreters
No. CU-129 01/07/02 CUNY Raises for Employees in Classified Service
No. CU-121 12/28/01 Prepaid Legal Service Benefit
No. CU-128 12/27/01 December 2001 Uniform Allowance Payment for CUNY Titles
No. CU-127 12/27/01 Calendar Year 2002 Processing for Deduction Codes 443 (CUNY Dependent Care) and 445 (Health Care Flex Spending)
No. CU-126 12/06/01 Calendar Year 2002 Processing for Deduction Code 444 (Long Term Care)
No. CU-125 12/06/01 Payment of Military Stipend for Events of September 11, 2001
No. CU-124 12/04/01 January 2002 Increments
No. CU-123 12/04/01 Contribution Status Change for Tier 3 and Tier 4 Members of NYCERS (New York City Employees' Retirement System)
No. CU-122 11/29/01 Tax Deferred Annuity (TDA) and Supplemental Retirement Annuities (SRA) Reporting for the Year 2002
No. CU-120 08/30/01 Restructure of PSC Union Dues and Agency Shop Fee
No. CU-119 07/11/01 New York City Health Insurance Rate Change
No. CU-118 06/29/01 TIAA/CREF Pensionability of Adjunct Earnings
No. CU-117 06/18/01 June 2001 Uniform Allowance Payment
No. CU-116 06/12/01 Dues and Agency Shop Increase and Change in Calculation Routine for the NYS Nurses Association Deduction Code 207 and NYS Nurses Association Agency Shop Deduction Code 218
No. CU-113 03/16/01 Ending of Salary Withholding Program for Non-Represented CUNY Employees
No. CU-106 12/28/00 New Bargaining Unit, Union Code, Earnings Program and Benefit Program for Certain Employees
No. CU-94 07/12/00 Dues Increase for Civil Service Forum Local 300, Service Employees International Union
No. CU-91 06/01/00 Pay Rate Changes and Lump Sum Payment for Supervisor of Mechanics
No. CU-87 04/27/00 Dues Increase for United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America
No. CU-81 02/02/00 Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase for International Brotherhood of Painters, Local 1969
No. CU-80 01/14/00 Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase for District Council 37, AFSCME, Local 924
No. CU-77 12/16/99 Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase for Local 30 International Union of Operating Engineers
No. CU-76 12/16/99 Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase for DC 37 Local 1407