City University of New York

Payroll Bulletins (P-Bulletins)

Bulletin # Date Subject Status
No. CU-480 12/24/13 District Council 37, Local 375 Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase
No. CU-479 12/24/13 DC37 Local 2054 Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase
No. CU-478 12/17/13 Changes in Taxation of Imputed Income
No. CU-477 12/17/13 2013 City University of New York (CUNY) Nurses Health Specialty Differential
No. CU-476 12/10/13 City University of New York (CUNY) Health Benefits Buy Out Waiver Program for the Payment Cycle of 07/01/13 - 12/31/13
No. CU-475 12/10/13 January 2014 City University of New York (CUNY) Increments
No. CU-474 11/20/13 2014 CUNY Charitable Campaign
No. CU-473 11/19/13 CUNY Executive Compensation Plan (ECP) Vacation Exchange Program
No. CU-472 11/15/13 CUNY December 2013 Uniform Allowance
No. CU-471 10/29/13 Prepaid Legal Service Benefit for CUNY Employees
No. CU-469 07/29/13 New York State Nurses Association Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase
No. CU-468 07/10/13 City of New York Health Insurance Rate Changes
No. CU-467 07/09/13 District Council 37, Local 2627 Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase
No. CU-466 06/14/13 2013 CUNY Research Foundation Grant Payments for Summer Research
No. CU-465 06/13/13 July 2013 City University of New York (CUNY) Increments
No. CU-464 05/22/13 June 2013 Uniform Allowance Payment
No. CU-463 05/22/13 City University of New York (CUNY) Health Benefits Buy Out Waiver Program for the Payment Cycle of 01/01/13 – 06/30/13
No. CU-462 05/16/13 International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, Union Local 1969, Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase
No. CU-461 02/11/13 Retroactive Pre-Tax Transit Adjustment
No. CU-460 01/15/13 2012 CUNY Nurses Health Specialty Differential
No. CU-459 01/15/13 City University of New York (CUNY) Health Benefits Buy Out Waiver Program for the Payment Cycle of 7/1/12 – 12/31/12
No. CU-458 12/20/12 Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 300 Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase
No. CU-457 12/20/12 January 2013 Increments for City University of New York (CUNY) Professional Staff Congress (PSC) Employees
No. CU-456 12/10/12 CUNY Executive Compensation Program(ECP) Vacation Exchange Program
No. CU-455 11/14/12 CUNY December 2012 Uniform Allowance
No. CU-454 11/14/12 2013 United Way of CUNY Campaign
No. CU-453 10/30/12 Prepaid Legal Service Benefit for CUNY Employees
No. CU-452 07/26/12 District Council 37, Local 924 Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase
No. CU-451 07/26/12 City University of New York Health Insurance Rate Adjustment
No. CU-450 06/27/12 New York State Nurses Association Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase
No. CU-449 06/27/12 City of New York Health Insurance Rate Changes
No. CU-448 06/21/12 July 2012 Increments for City University of New York (CUNY) Professional Staff Congress (PSC) Employees
No. CU-447 06/21/12 CUNY Health Benefits Buy Out Waiver Program for the Payment Cycle of 1/1/12 – 6/30/12
No. CU-446 06/13/12 District Council 37, Local 983 Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase
No. CU-445 05/23/12 2012 CUNY Research Foundation (CUNY RF) Grant Payments for Summer Research
No. CU-444 05/21/12 CUNY Health Benefits Buy Out Waiver Program for the Payment Cycle of 7/1/11 - 12/31/11
No. CU-443 05/17/12 CUNY Nurses’ Health Specialty Differential
No. CU-442 03/08/12 June 2012 City University of New York Uniform Allowance Payment
No. CU-441 03/08/12 CUNY Pre-Tax Parking Program
No. CU-440 02/23/12 Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 300 Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase
No. CU-439 01/09/12 2012 CUNY Pre-Tax Transit Rate Changes
No. CU-438 12/09/11 January 2012 Increments for City University of New York (CUNY) Professional Staff Congress (PSC) Employees
No. CU-437 12/09/11 International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 30 Dues Structure Change
No. CU-436 12/01/11 CUNY December 2011 Uniform Allowance
No. CU-435 11/21/11 Prepaid Legal Service Benefit for CUNY Employees
No. CU-434 11/09/11 2012 United Way of CUNY Campaign
No. CU-433 10/31/11 Retroactive Transactions for CUNY Agencies
No. CU-432 10/25/11 New Deduction Code 547 (Winston Financial Services)
No. CU-431 08/31/11 Retroactive Rate Increases and Lump Sum Payment for Supervisor of Mechanics
No. CU-430 08/31/11 Retroactive Rate Increases and Lump Sum Payment for Locksmiths