SUNY Bulletin No. SU-20

Increased Dues and Agency Shop Fee Deduction For United University Professions
Date Issued
March 3, 1999


The union dues and agency shop fee deductions for the United University Professions, which represents employees in the State University Professional Services Bargaining Unit, will change effective with the check dated March 31,1999.

The dues (codes 222 and 260, 21P/CYF) and agency shop fee (codes 215 and 262, 21P/CYF) structure is as follows:

  1. The deduction is .9% of the biweekly gross for employees with a base annual salary of $19,111 or less.
  2. The deduction is 1.0% of the biweekly gross for employees with a base annual salary of $19,112 of more.
  3. There is no maximum annual dues and agency shop fee deduction for UUP.
  4. The deduction is based on the biweekly gross minus any overtime, holiday pay, standby, extra service, summer session, location stipend, bonus, OT meals, LSP and Long LSP for all UUP employees.

OSC Actions

The dues and agency shop fee changes will be processed automatically by the Office of the State Comptroller. The amounts will also be recalculated automatically whenever required. Please notify your employees of this change and the effective date of the new deduction.