SUNY Bulletin No. SU-337

Change in Overtime Processing Procedures for SUNY Employees Receiving Intermittent Inconvenience, Intermittent Inconvenience with Shift and/or Intermittent Weekend Shift Payments
Date Issued
December 16, 2022


The purpose of this bulletin is to describe the new Time Entry Earnings Codes created to systematically adjust overtime earnings for State University of New York (SUNY) employees who also receive Intermittent Inconvenience (Earnings Code IIO), Intermittent Inconvenience with Shift (Earnings Code ISO) and/or Intermittent Weekend Shift (Earnings Code IWO) payments.

Affected Employees

SUNY employees who receive overtime and payments using Earnings Codes IIO, ISO and/or IWO.


When an employee works overtime and earns IIO, ISO and/or IWO within the same pay period, those monies must be included in the calculation of the overtime. In the past, manual calculations were required to include these earnings in the total amount of overtime monies paid. To alleviate manual calculations that pose a risk and to allow for systematic retroactive calculations to be paid, new earnings codes have been created to systematically include IIO, ISO, and/or IWO for employees at SUNY who also received overtime (OCS, C72, ORC, O25, C25 and/or OR5) within the same pay period earnings dates.

Effective Dates

Effective immediately.

Eligibility Criteria

Employees who work SUNY and receive overtime payments using Earnings Code(s) OCS, C72, ORC, O25, C25 or OR5 within the same pay period earnings dates they also receive Earnings Code(s) IIO, ISO or IWO are eligible to receive an overtime adjustment using one of the new earnings codes.

OSC Actions

OSC has created the following new Time Entry Earnings Codes to report overtime adjustments for employees that earn overtime and payments using Earnings Codes IIO, ISO, and/or IWO within the same pay period.

New OT
Earnings Code
Description Corresponding
Earnings Code
Earnings Code
IOW IntSftWkend OT Adj-PEF IWO OCS, C72, ORC
I2W IntSftWkend OT Adj-PEF 2.5 IWO O25, C25, OR5
IOI Int Inc/Shift OT Adj-PEF IIO OCS, C72, ORC
I2I Int Inc/Shift OT Adj-PEF 2.5 IIO O25, C25, OR5
IOS Int Shift OT Adj-PEF ISO OCS, C72, ORC
I2S Int Shift OT Adj-PEF 2.5 ISO O25, C25, OR5
IOO* Int IncSft OT Adj Override-PEF IWO, IIO, and ISO OCS, C72, ORC,
O25, C25, OR5

*Earnings Code IOO is an override code that should be used to adjust overtime that is earned in the same pay period but paid in a later pay period than Earnings Code(s) IWO, IIO, or ISO.

Factors for New Earnings Codes

Earnings Codes IOW, IOI, and IOS - 1.5x Overtime Adjustment:
0.01877 Non-leap year
0.01882 Leap-year

Earnings Codes I2W, I2I, and I2S - 2.5x Overtime Adjustment:
0.03129 Non-leap year
0.03137 Leap-year

Agency Actions

Processing an Overtime Adjustment when the Overtime and Earnings Codes IIO, IWO and/or ISO are paid in the same pay period

To include monies paid using Earnings Codes IWO, IIO and/or ISO earned for the same pay period earnings dates as overtime Earnings Codes OCS, C72, ORC, O25, C25 and/or OR5, SUNY agencies must use the new OT adjustment codes (as listed in OSC Actions above) on the Time Entry page or the Time Entry Interface (NPAY502). To process these adjustments in the same pay period that the corresponding IWO, IIO and/or ISO is being paid, the following procedures must be used:

Earnings Begin Date: Earnings begin date of corresponding IWO, IIO and/or ISO
Earnings End Date: Earnings end date of corresponding IWO, IIO and/or ISO
Earn Code: Corresponding OT Adjustment Code (see OSC Actions)
Hours: Number of OT Hours to be adjusted

Processing an Overtime Adjustment for IIO, IWO, and/or ISO received in a different pay period

To include IWO, IIO and/or ISO earned for the same pay period earnings dates as OCS, C72, ORC, O25, C25 and/or OR5 when the corresponding IWO, IIO and/or ISO was paid in a prior pay period, the new adjustment earnings code IOO must be used to manually calculate the overtime adjustment following the below procedures:

Earnings Begin Date: Earnings begin date of corresponding IWO, IIO and/or ISO
Earnings End Date: Earnings end date of corresponding IWO, IIO and/or ISO
Earn Code: IOO
Hours: Number of OT Hours as applicable
Amount: Calculated amount based on OT Hours submitted

To calculate the manual adjustment owed to an employee, the following procedure must be used:

(IIO Amount Received + ISO Amount Received + IWO Amount Received) * Adjustment Factor (as mentioned in OSC Actions) * Number of Overtime Hours to Adjust = IOO Amount

Retirement Information

Monies paid using the new earnings codes mentioned above are included as salary for retirement purposes.

Tax Information

These earnings are taxable income, will be included in the employee’s taxable gross, and are subject to all employment and income taxes. Income taxes will be calculated using the employee’s current withholding elements in PayServ.

Federal, State, and New York City income tax withholding will be calculated using the Aggregate method. Yonkers income tax withholding will be calculated using the Flat Rate method (1.95975% for Yonkers residents and 0.50% for Yonkers non-residents).


Questions regarding this bulletin may be directed to the Payroll Earnings mailbox.

Questions regarding retirement information may be directed to the Payroll Retirement mailbox.