Wall Street

Wall Street Bonuses, January 2009

Cash bonuses paid by Wall Street firms to their New York City employees declined by 44 percent in 2008 in response to record losses suffered by the securities industry.

Wall Street Bonuses, February 2011

Cash bonuses paid to New York City securities industry employees declined by nearly 8 percent to $20.8 billion in 2010, about one third less than paid out in 2007 before the financial crisis.

Wall Street Bonuses, March 2014

The average bonus paid to securities industry employees in New York City grew by 15 percent to $164,530 in 2013, which is the largest average bonus since the 2008 financial crisis, and the third highest on record.

Wall Street Bonuses, March 2017

Securities industry profitability rose sharply in 2016, increasing by 21 percent, while the average bonus paid to employees in New York City’s securities industry increased by 1 percent to $138,210.

Wall Street Bonuses, March 2018

Securities industry profits rose dramatically in 2017 for the second consecutive year and the average bonus paid to industry employees in New York City jumped 17 percent to reach $184,220.