
2023 Financial Condition Report
For Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2023

Elementary and Secondary Education

Significant Federal Aid Continues to Support New York Schools

  • According to the Division of the Budget, schools received $4.6 billion of federal education aid in SFY 2022- 23. Schools also received $4.2 billion of temporary funding from COVID-19 assistance programs, including $2.2 billion from the American Rescue Plan Act, $1.8 billion from the Education Supplemental Appropriations Act, and $243 million from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

2023 Financial Condition Report
For Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2023

Environment, Energy and Agriculture

Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)

  • In SFY 2022-23, DEC All Funds spending totaled $1.5 billion, an increase of $135.3 million (10.1 percent) from SFY 2021-22, with local assistance spending growing 33 percent year-over-year.

2023 Financial Condition Report
For Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2023


Highway Conditions Improve Slightly for the Third Year in a Row

  • The State is responsible for maintaining more than 42,700 lane miles of highway.
  • Compared to the prior year, the number of highway lane miles rated poor to fair decreased by 2.6 percent in 2022.
  • In 2022, 57.9 percent of the State’s highway lane miles were rated good to excellent, a 1.1 percentage increase since 2021.

2023 Financial Condition Report
For Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2023

Public Safety

Number of Reported Crimes Rose in 2022

  • According to data published by the State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS), the number of Index Crimes reported by local law enforcement agencies rose by 73,646 incidents, or 21 percent, in 2022.

2023 Financial Condition Report
For Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2023

Public Welfare

Public Assistance Recipients Increase to Highest Level Since 2015

  • For SFY 2022-23, the average monthly number of public assistance recipients in the State increased by 68,614 (14.5 percent) to 540,656, following near-record-low caseloads in SFY 2021-22. The number of public assistance recipients increased every month since September 2021, reaching 574,154 in March 2023 – its highest level since October 2015.
  • “Public assistance” as discussed in this report includes both Family Assistance (FA) and Safety Net Assistance (SNA).

2023 Financial Condition Report
For Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2023

Public Health

Total Medicaid Spending Reaches Record High of $92 billion, a 10 Percent Increase

  • State Medicaid spending grew by $3.6 billion (13 percent) to $31.3 billion in SFY 2022-23, its highest level ever, due in part to higher enrollment levels impacted by federal restrictions on disenrollment during the COVID public health emergency.

2023 Financial Condition Report
For Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2023


A robust, efficiently managed capital investment program can support healthy economic growth, while the deterioration of capital assets can weaken the State’s economy and its ability to attract and retain business. Capital assets include not only highways and bridges, but also facilities for education, government, health, housing, environmental conservation and recreation.

Capital Spending Has Increased Over the Past Five Years*

At the end of SFY 2022-23, the State reported $116.7 billion in capital assets, an increase of $4.4 billion (4 percent) from the prior year.

2023 Financial Condition Report
For Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2023

Total Spending

Spending generally reflects the State’s program priorities. Comparing spending to revenue provides an indication of the State’s ability to support continuing programs. State spending, which includes spending from federal funds, is recorded on a cash basis.

See Appendices 1 and 2 for a breakdown of State spending by major service function and funding source for the past five years.

2023 Annual Financial Report of the New York Environmental Protection and Spill Compensation Fund, September 2023

As required by Section 196 of the Navigation Law, the Comptroller prepares an annual report to the State Legislature and the Governor. The report includes: a description of the costs and damages paid by and recovered for the Fund; the monies spent pursuant to Section 186 (including amounts spent for oil spill prevention, training activities and equipment purchased), and the economic and environmental impacts on the State.