Audits of Local Governments

The Office of the New York State Comptroller’s Division of Local Government and School Accountability conducts performance audits of local governments and school districts. Performance audits provide findings or conclusions based on an evaluation of evidence against criteria. Local officials use audit findings to improve program performance and operations, reduce costs and contribute to public accountability.

For audits older than 2013, contact us at [email protected].

For audits of State and NYC agencies and public authorities, see Audits.

School District | Information Technology

June 16, 2023 –

District officials did not adequately manage and monitor nonstudent network user accounts to help prevent unauthorized use, access and loss. In addition to sensitive information technology (IT) control weaknesses that were communicated confidentially to officials.

School District | Information Technology

June 16, 2023 –

District officials did not adequately manage network user accounts or develop and adopt an IT contingency plan. In addition to finding sensitive IT control weaknesses, which we communicated confidentially to officials.

School District | Financial Condition

June 16, 2023 –

The Board and District officials did not effectively manage the District's fund balance. As a result, they levied more taxes than needed to fund operations and were not transparent with taxpayers.

Charter School | Claims Auditing

June 16, 2023 –

School officials did not ensure credit card charges were properly approved, adequately supported and for School purposes. Officials did not perform an effective and timely review of credit card charges.

BOCES | Financial Condition

June 9, 2023 –

BOCES officials' budget development process was ineffective and did not ensure reasonable budget estimates.

School District | Other

June 9, 2023 –

The Board and District officials properly established the District's nine general fund reserve funds totaling $10.9 million but did not use the reserve funds and could not demonstrate that $8 million held in seven of these reserves was reasonable or needed.

School District | Financial Condition

June 9, 2023 –

The Board and District officials did not properly manage fund balance and reserves. As a result, officials have withheld funds from productive use and may have missed opportunities to reduce the tax levy.

School District | Medicaid

June 9, 2023 –

District officials did not ensure the District's website provided the public with transparent and comprehensive financial information. As a result, the community and other interested parties could not readily access and review information that could be used to make informed decisions.

School District | Financial Condition

June 9, 2023 –

The Board and officials did not effectively manage the District's financial condition

BOCES | Employee Benefits

June 9, 2023 –

BOCES officials did not always accurately compensate employees.

School District | Purchasing

June 9, 2023 –

District officials did not always ensure transportation contracts were procured and monitored in the best interest of taxpayers.

School District | Other

June 9, 2023 –

District officials did not identify students who received Medicaid-eligible services or file Medicaid-reimbursement claims to recover part of the costs associated with these services. As a result, the District did not receive about $68,200 for reimbursements to which it was entitled.

Fire Company or Department | Cash Disbursements

June 2, 2023 –

The Board did not ensure that cash disbursements were properly approved, accurately recorded, had adequate supporting documentation and were for Association purposes. As a result, the Association had a significant risk that disbursements could be made for non-Association purposes.

School District | Information Technology

June 2, 2023 –

District officials did not ensure that network access controls were adequate. As a result, data and personal, private and sensitive information (PPSI) are at greater risk for unauthorized access, misuse or loss. In addition to sensitive network access control weaknesses that we confidentially communicated to officials.

School District | Information Technology

June 2, 2023 –

District officials did not ensure network user accounts were adequately managed. In addition to finding sensitive information technology (IT) control weaknesses, which we communicated confidentially to officials.

Town | General Oversight

June 2, 2023 –

The former Supervisor did not ensure all cash in his custody was properly collected and disbursed.

School District | Information Technology

June 2, 2023 –

District officials did not adequately secure user account access to the network or properly manage user accounts and permissions in financial and student information applications. As a result, there is a significant risk that network resources, financial data and student information could be inappropriately altered, accessed, or used. In addition to sensitive control weaknesses that were communicated confidentially.

BOCES | Revenues

June 2, 2023 –

BOCES officials did not maximize interest earnings. As a result, over an 18-month period, officials missed an opportunity for BOCES to realize additional interest earnings totaling $310,865.

School District | Purchasing

June 2, 2023 –

District officials did not demonstrate that certain goods and services related to the 2021-22 capital improvement project (CIP) were procured in accordance with District policies, statutory requirements and good business practices.

Fire Company or Department | General Oversight

May 26, 2023 –

Department officials did not ensure financial activities were properly recorded and reported and funds were safeguarded, which hindered their ability to make informed financial decisions and increased the risk that errors or irregularities could occur.