Audits of Local Governments

The Office of the New York State Comptroller’s Division of Local Government and School Accountability conducts performance audits of local governments and school districts. Performance audits provide findings or conclusions based on an evaluation of evidence against criteria. Local officials use audit findings to improve program performance and operations, reduce costs and contribute to public accountability.

For audits older than 2013, contact us at [email protected].

For audits of State and NYC agencies and public authorities, see Audits.

School District | Revenues

October 9, 2020 –

District officials did not develop and manage a comprehensive investment program. As a result, officials did not maximize interest earnings for the District.

School District | Purchasing

October 2, 2020 –

District officials did not always seek competition for purchases that are not subject to competitive bidding and did not comply with the District's procurement policy.

School District | Financial Condition

October 2, 2020 –

District officials can do more to effectively manage the District's financial condition.

Industrial Development Agency | Other

October 2, 2020 –

JCIDA officials did not appropriately evaluate all projects prior to approval or monitor the performance of businesses that received financial benefits.

City | Other

September 25, 2020 –

Based on the results of our review, we found that certain significant revenue and expenditure projections in the 2020-21 adopted budget are not reasonable and other matters that require City officials' attention.

School District | Employee Benefits

September 25, 2020 –

The Board and District officials need to ensure that employee leave benefits are accurately accounted for and payments for unused leave are properly calculated.

School District | Financial Condition

September 25, 2020 –

The Board and District officials need to improve budgeting practices to more effectively manage fund balance.

School District | Medicaid, Other

September 18, 2020 –

District officials did not effectively manage special education services and claim all Medicaid reimbursements to which the District was entitled.

School District | Financial Condition

September 18, 2020 –

Actions taken by the Board and District officials to manage financial condition were not transparent and more taxes were levied than necessary to sustain operations.

City | Financial Condition

September 17, 2020 –

The City Council and officials did not have adequate financial information for the effective management of operations and, as a result, the City lost its credit rating.

School District | Information Technology

September 11, 2020 –

District officials could improve controls over online banking procedures.

School District | Financial Condition

September 11, 2020 –

The Board and District officials did not properly use and manage fund balance and reserves.

County | Information Technology

September 4, 2020 –

The Legislators and County officials could improve controls over information technology (IT).

Town | Financial Condition

September 4, 2020 –

The Board and Town officials need to continue to improve their management and oversight of the Town's financial condition.

School District | Revenues

August 28, 2020 –

District officials did not follow their investment policy. As a result, officials did not maximize interest earnings for the District.

School District | Schools

August 21, 2020 –

Tuition billings for District students enrolled in out-of-district programs were not always accurately calculated or properly supported.

Town | Records and Reports

August 21, 2020 –

The Town Supervisor did not maintain up-to-date records and reports.

Village | Cash Disbursements, Cash Receipts, Other

August 14, 2020 –

The Board did not adequately monitor cash receipts and disbursements.

Town | Financial Condition

August 14, 2020 –

The Board did not effectively manage the Town's financial condition.

City | Financial Condition

August 7, 2020 –

The Mayor and Council did not adopt structurally balanced budgets, properly monitor the City's financial operations or take appropriate actions to maintain the City's fiscal stability.