Contact Update and Online Help for Local Officials

Contact Update

The Division of Local Government and School Accountability, in the Office of the New York State Comptroller (OSC), collects contact information for local governments, special districts and other local municipal entities to enable our office to communicate information to the correct individuals within organizations in a timely manner.

The collected contact information is used for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, notifying local government officials about reporting deadlines and requirements, training opportunities, updates in accounting standards, audit related communications, etc.

To help us reach the right individuals in a timely manner, we ask designated staff in local governments to use our Online Services system to provide and maintain up-to-date contact information within our Local Government Contact Management System (LGCMS).

To get started, log in with your username and password.

Online Services

School Districts and BOCES will continue to update their contacts through the State Education Department SEDREF system.



Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) and Municipal Clerks will be enrolled in the application with a Muni Contact Manager account which allows local officials to view, create, edit, verify and inactivate contact records.

Enrollment help can be found here: Online Services Enrollment Instructions [pdf]

If you are a CFO or Municipal Clerk that needs help accessing or creating a Muni Contact Manager account, please contact the LGSA Help Desk at 1-866-321-8503, option 1 or at [email protected].

Contact Update Online Help


Once you've logged into the system, a list of your entity's contacts is displayed on the Contact Search (default) page. If the list is long, you may want to sort or search to find a specific contact.

Sorting - The list is sorted by Last Name by default. The other available search option is by Verified Date. Click on one of these column headers to sort ascending or descending.

Searching - Search filters are available for the following fields: First Name, Last Name, Titles, Organizational Roles, Created Date and Last Updated Date. To clear fields selected, select the 'Clear Filters' button. The results display below the search area.



This page will allow you to individually or bulk verify/inactivate contact records.

Verify/Inactivate: Select contact record(s) by checking the box to the left of the record(s). Select the 'Verify' or 'Inactivate' button at the bottom of the page. 

Note: A pop-up will appear to confirm the action.

  • Verify: To confirm contact records have been reviewed and require no further edits.
  • Inactivate: To remove contact records that are no longer in service.

To view/edit an individual contact record, select the View button for that record.



The page will allow you to Edit, Verify or Inactivate an individual record.

Verify/Inactivate: Select the 'Verify' or 'Inactivate' button at the bottom of the page. 

Note: A pop-up will appear to confirm the action.

  • Verify: To confirm contact record has been reviewed and requires no further edits.
  • Inactivate: To remove a contact record that is no longer in service.
  • Edit: Select the 'Edit' button at the bottom of the page or select the 'Contact Edit' tab on the left menu.

Required Edit Fields: Titles, Organizational Roles, Work Phone, Email, Elected Status

Mailing Preference: Select checkbox to use Municipal postal address. Deselect to add a different mailing address.

  • Save: Save any changes and return to Contact View page.
  • Cancel: Discard any changes and return to Contact View page.

Note: Any name changes require a record to be inactivated and recreated.



This page will allow you to add a new contact that is not currently in the list of contacts. Select 'Add' at the bottom of the Contact Search page or select the 'Contact Add' tab on the left menu.

Required Edit Fields: First Name, Last Name, Titles, Organizational Roles, Work Phone, Email, Elected Status

Mailing Preference: Select checkbox to use Municipal postal address. Deselect to add a different mailing address.

  • Save: Save any changes and return to Contact View page.
  • Cancel: Discard any changes and return to Contact Search page.



This page will allow you to view your entity’s contact information. Select the 'Municipality View' tab on the left menu.


  • Save: Save any changes and return to Municipality View page.
  • Cancel: Discard any changes and return to Municipality View page.