Legacy Reporting


Legacy Reporting

You report information about your employees through Retirement Online, including their earnings, the number of days they worked and more. You also report and forward employee contributions, loan payments and payments for service credit purchases (arrears).

Employers using the Legacy reporting format in Retirement Online should only report enrolled NYSLRS members. You should not report withdrawn members or retirees who have returned to work under Section 211 or 212 of New York State Retirement and Social Security Law (RSSL). (See the Reporting Retirees section of our Hiring Public Retirees page.) Additionally, do not report contractors or consultants working for you. (To determine whether someone is an employee or a contractor/consultant, please refer to our Independent Contractor vs. Employee page.) Employers using the enhanced reporting format report more data on employees, retirees, etc., which will enable NYSLRS to store and retrieve that information if needed at a later date, saving employers considerable time and effort.

We must receive your monthly report by the seventh day of the month following the report period. For example, the December report is due in our office by January 7; the January report is due in our office by February 7.


Rev. 2/20