Police and Fire Plan

For Tier 1, 2, 5 and 6 Members, and Tier 3 Members Covered by Article 11, (Sections 375-b and 375-c)

Eligibility, the Benefit and Filing

Police and Fire Plan
For Tier 1, 2, 5 and 6 Members, and Tier 3 Members Covered by Article 11
(Sections 375-b and 375-c)


Tier 1 Members: You are eligible to retire at age 55.

Tier 2 and 3 Members: You must have at least five years of service credit after July 1, 1973. You are eligible to retire with full benefits at age 62, or may choose early retirement with a reduced benefit between ages 55 and 62.

Tier 5 and 6 Members: You must have at least five years of service credit. You are eligible to retire with full benefits at age 62, or may choose early retirement with a reduced benefit between ages 55 and 62.1

Regardless of tier, if you work for an employer that offers a special plan (that allows retirement after 20 or 25 years of creditable service, regardless of age), you must retire by the first day of the month following your 70th birthday, even if you have not elected the special plan.

The Benefit

At retirement you will receive a pension equal to:

  • 1/60th (1.66 percent) of your FAS for each year of service credit; and
  • 1/60th (1.66 percent) of your FAS for each year of prior service, including prior service credit you have received for military duty.

If you made annuity savings contributions, your benefit will also include an annuity purchased by those contributions and the interest earned. The 3 percent contributions required of Tier 5 and 6 members are not annuity savings contributions.

Maximum Benefit

The maximum pension payable to Tier 2, 3, 5 and 6 members is the benefit payable on completion of 32 years of service.


Your Application for Service Retirement (RS6037) must be on file with the Office of the State Comptroller at least 15 days, but not more than 90 days, before the date on which your retirement will occur. The 15-day filing requirement is waived if you are over age 70 at retirement.


1Updated 10/22