Print Publication - Book List

Number Publication
divorce Divorce and Your Benefits Print
csp Contribution Stabilization Program Print
ea-officials Understanding Your Responsibilities: Elected & Appointed Officials Print
reporting-ea-officials Reporting Elected and Appointed Officials Print
gasb Governmental Accounting Standards Board Print
reporting Employer Reporting Basics Print
partnership What Every Employer Should Know Print
1523 Coordinated Plan For ERS Tier 5 Members Print
1522 Coordinated Plan For ERS Tier 3 and 4 Members Print
1822 En-Con Police Officers Plan Print
1823 State University Police Plan Print
1511 Basic Plan with Increased-Take-Home-Pay (ITHP) Print
1515 New Career Plan Print
1517 Special 20- and 25-Year Plans Print
1518 State Police Plan Print
1864 Forest Rangers Plan Print
1512 Police and Fire Plan Print
1513 Non-Contributory Plan with Guaranteed Benefits Print
1867 Regional State Park Police Plan Print
1642 Career Plan Print
1644 Article 14 Benefits Print
world-trade-center World Trade Center Presumption Print
2017-fcr 2017 Financial Condition Report Print
2018-fcr 2018 Financial Condition Report Print
2016-fcr 2016 Financial Condition Report Print
2015-fcr 2015 Financial Condition Report Print
1500 Basic Plan for ERS Tier 1 Members Print
1501 Non-Contributory Plan for ERS Tier 1 Members Print
1502 Non-Contributory Plan with Guaranteed Benefits for ERS Tier 1 Members Print
1503 Career Plan for ERS Tier 1 Members Print
1504 New Career Plan for ERS Tier 1 Members Print
1505 Basic Plan for ERS Tier 2 Members Print
1506 Non-Contributory Plan for ERS Tier 2 Members Print
1507 Non-Contributory Plan with Guaranteed Benefits for ERS Tier 2 Members Print
1508 Career Plan for ERS Tier 2 Members Print
1509 New Career Plan for ERS Tier 2 Members Print
1525 State Correction Officers and Security Hospital Treatment Assistants Plan Print
1526 State Correction Officers and Security Hospital Treatment Assistants Plan Print
1530 Coordinated Plan for ERS Tier 6 Members Print
1840 Sheriffs, Undersheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs Special Plan for ERS Tier 1 and 2 Members Print
1841 Sheriffs, Undersheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs Special Plan for ERS Tier 3, 4, 5 and 6 Members Print
2019-fcr 2019 Financial Condition Report Print
protecting Protecting the Public’s Interest Print
capplan Capital Planning and Budgeting Print
cashmgmt Cash Management Print
myfp Multiyear Financial Planning: A Tutorial for Local Government Officials Print
truecost Determining and Allocating the True Cost of Services Print
2020-fcr 2020 Financial Condition Report Print
membership-enrollment Membership and Enrollment Print
legacy-reporting Legacy Reporting Print
travel-conference-expense Travel and Conference Expense Management Print
claims-auditing-process Improving the Effectiveness of Your Claims Auditing Process Print
payserv PayServ Manual Print
model-code-of-ethics Model Code of Ethics for Local Governments Print
when-employees-retire When Employees Retire Print
it-contingency-planning Information Technology Contingency Planning Print
2021-fcr 2021 Financial Condition Report Print
chapter-ii II. New York State Financial Accounting Print
chapter-iii III. Statewide Financial System (SFS) Print
chapter-iv IV. Accounting Codes - Uses and Descriptions Print
chapter-v V. Chart of Accounts (COA) Governance Print
chapter-vi VI. Budgets Print
chapter-vii VII. State Revenues and Appropriated Loan Receivables Print
chapter-viii VIII. Accounts Payable Journal Vouchers & General Ledger Journal Entries Print
chapter-ix IX. Federal Grants Print
nyc-sectors New York City Industry Sector Dashboards Print
chapter-x X. Guide to Vendor/Customer Management Print
chapter-x X. Guide to Vendor/Customer Management Old Print
chapter-i I. OSC Guide to Financial Operations Overview Print
chapter-xi XI. Procurement and Contract Management Print
chapter-xii XII. Expenditures Print
payroll-manual Payroll Manual Print
chapter-xia XI-A. Purchasing Print
chapter-xiii XIII. Employee Expense Reimbursement Print
enhanced-reporting Enhanced Reporting Print
chapter-xiv XIV. Special Procedures Print
chapter-xv XV. End of Year Print
chapter-xvi XVI. Financial Reporting Print
chapter-xvii XVII. Lapsing Appropriations Print
chapter-xviii XVIII. Capital Projects Print
chapter-xix XIX. Project Costing (PCIP) Print
2022-fcr 2022 Financial Condition Report Print
vcdp Voluntary Credits and Deductions Program Guide Print
2023-fcr 2023 Financial Condition Report Print
it-governance Information Technology Governance Print
nyspo-1 NYSPO Troubleshooting Accordion Print