The Department ChartField captures an agency’s organizational structure, the lowest level at which a user will enter transaction information associated with its agency.
Department is required on all operating statement transactions. It is considered a statewide ChartField and has been configured under the SHARE SetID, which means all agencies will be able to access the complete list of Department codes in the SFS.
In general, Department is seven numeric characters in length. Ranges are assigned to agencies/entities to keep the values unique across the State. Each agency/entity has been assigned three unique leading digits, followed by a numeric range from 0000 to 9999 for its use. The first 200 codes in the range are reserved for “budgetary only” values. The Department Naming Standard leaves a total of five ranges in a row for each non-Executive Constitutional Department captured in the 300-399 series. Department ChartField ranges are arranged by Constitutional Department.
A complete list of ranges by agency/entity can be found in Appendix A of the COA Handbook. The Statewide Department Reporting Tree can also be found on SFS Coach and is organized in the following manner:
Level 1: Total State
Level 2: Branch of Government
Level 3: Constitutional Department
Level 4: Total Agency/Entity
Levels 5 and Below: Agency/Entity organization concepts
All agencies/entities must conform to the first four levels of use in the Department Tree, as these levels are used for statewide reporting.
To add or modify a Department value, complete the COA Change Request Form, which can be found on SFS Coach and submit it to [email protected].
Guide to Financial Operations
REV. 04/23/2019