V. Chart of Accounts (COA) Governance

Guide to Financial Operations

V.3.J Activity (Projects)

V. Chart of Accounts (COA) Governance
Guide to Financial Operations

The Activity ChartField can be used to define lower-level detail of a Project Type.

Statewide Project Types are available for use when a Project is entered on a transaction. Each Federally funded projects will use the Project Type of “General”.

Project Types may use the standard “General” Activity value if a lower level of detail is not needed or, if a lower level of detail is needed, may use one of the other predefined Standard Activities. An Activity ChartField value is required on every transaction where a Project ID is entered.

Activity values will be dependent on the Project Type of the associated Project.

Refer to SFSSecure for more information including the COA Handbook which contains a detailed listing of the Activity ChartField Naming Standards under the Activity topic. See XIX.2.C and XIX.2.C.1 for more detailed information on selecting 

To request an additional Activity value, complete the COA Standard Activity Change Request Form which can be found on SFSSecure and submit it to helpdesk@sfs.ny.gov.

Guide to Financial Operations

REV. 12/23/2024