State Police

Payroll Bulletins (P-Bulletins)

Bulletin # Date Subject Status
No. SP-97 09/14/06 New York State Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA) Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase
No. SP-96 09/11/06 Change in Deduction Calculation Routine for Police Benevolent Association (PBA) of the New York State Troopers, Inc. Dues and Agency Shop Fee
No. SP-95 07/18/06 New York State Police Investigators Association (NYSIPA) Bargaining Unit 62 (BU62) Arbitrarion Award Implementation 2005-2006
No. SP-94 05/15/06 Education Payment for Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) and the NYS Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-93 04/20/06 Police Benevolent Association of the New York State Troopers, Inc. Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase
No. SP-92 04/11/06 New Deduction Code 532 (NYSPIA Voluntary Supplemental Insurance Program)
No. SP-91 03/20/06 April 1, 2006 Salary Increase and Other Payments for Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA)
No. SP-90 11/21/05 Fitness Bonus Payment for Fiscal Year 2005-06
No. SP-89 11/04/05 2005 State Police Holiday Bonus Pay
No. SP-88 09/01/05 State Police Benevolent Association of the NYS Troopers, Inc. Bargaining Unit 17 (BU17) Arbitration Award Implementation for 2003–2007
No. SP-87 08/31/05 State Police Benevolent Association of the NYS Troopers, Inc. Bargaining Unit 07 (BU07) Arbitration Award Implementation for 2003–2007
No. SP-86 08/31/05 Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase for Police Benevolent Association of the New York State Troopers, Inc.
No. SP-85 08/10/05 Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase for New York State Police Investigators Association
No. SP-84 07/06/05 State Police BU 62 Arbitration Award Implementation for 2003–05
No. SP-83 06/08/05 Permanent Rank of Sergeant Payment for Employees Represented by the NYS Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-82 05/11/05 Education Payment for Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) and the NYS Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-81 11/24/04 2004 State Police Holiday Bonus Pay
No. SP-80 11/23/04 Fitness Bonus Payment for Fiscal Year 2004-2005
No. SP-79 09/14/04 Education Payment for Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) and the NYS Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-78 08/19/04 New Earnings Code EOS Extraordinary Overtime for Senior Investigators
No. SP-77 07/09/04 Permanent Rank of Sergeant Payment for Employees Represented by the NYS Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-76 06/07/04 Equipment Allowance Payment for Employees Represented by the NYS Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-75 01/27/04 Commissioned and Non-Commissioned State Police Officers Salary Schedule Change Based on Geographic Work Location
No. SP-74 01/22/04 Deduction Code 308, Equitable Life Insurance Program
No. SP-73 11/21/03 Fitness Bonus Payment for Fiscal Year 2003-2004
No. SP-72 11/19/03 State Police Troopers' Salary Schedule Change Based on Geographic Work Location
No. SP-71 11/14/03 2003 State Police Holiday Bonus Pay
No. SP-70 07/09/03 Addendum to Bulletin SP-66, April 2003 State Police BU 07 and BU 17 Arbitration Award Implementation
No. SP-69 06/10/03 Permanent Rank Sergeant Payment for Employees Represented by the NYS Police Investigator Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-68 06/09/03 Education Payment for Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) and the NYS Police Investigator Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-67 05/23/03 Equipment Allowance Payment for Employees Represented by the NYS Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-66 05/06/03 April 2003 State Police BU 07 and BU 17 Arbitration Award Implementation
No. SP-65 04/15/03 Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase for Police Benevolent Association of the New York State Troopers, Inc.
No. SP-64 11/26/02 Fitness Payment for Fiscal Year 2002-2003
No. SP-63 11/13/02 2002 Uniform Allowance for State Police - Trooper Bargaining Unit 07
No. SP-62 11/13/02 2002 State Police Holiday Bonus Pay
No. SP-61 11/07/02 2002 Productivity Bonus Payments for Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA)
No. SP-60 08/08/02 2000-2001 Emergency Response Payment for Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA)
No. SP-59 07/18/02 Dues Increase for Rehired Retirees Who Are Members of the Police Benevolent Association of the New York State Troopers, Inc.
No. SP-58 07/01/02 Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase for Police Benevolent Association of the New York State Troopers, Inc.
No. SP-57 06/03/02 Training Stipend for Fiscal Year 2002-2003
No. SP-56 05/28/02 Permanent Rank Sergeant Payment for Employees Represented by the NYS Police Investigator Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-55 05/24/02 NYSPIA Dues and Agency Shop Increase
No. SP-54 05/17/02 Education Payment for Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) and the NYS Police Investigator Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-53 05/17/02 Equipment Allowance Payment for Employees Represented by the NYS Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-52 05/10/02 PBA Personal Lines Insurance Deduction Code 296 for the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) of the New York State Troopers, Inc.
No. SP-51 03/27/02 April 1, 2002 Salary Increase and Other Increases for Employees Represented by the NYS Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-50 03/13/02 Special Hire Deduction Code 299 for the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) of the New York State Troopers, Inc.
No. SP-49 02/11/02 1999-2000 Emergency Response Payment for Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA)
No. SP-48 12/10/01 Fitness Payment for Fiscal Years 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002