State University of New York

Payroll Bulletins (P-Bulletins)

Bulletin # Date Subject Status
No. SU-185 11/21/11 SUNY Downstate Location Stipend for GSEU-Represented Employees
No. SU-184 11/21/11 Recruitment and Retention Enhancement Payments for the Academic Year 2011-12 for GSEU Doctoral and Comprehensive College Graduate Programs
No. SU-183 11/14/11 2011 UUP 1% Discretionary Increase
No. SU-182 11/14/11 SUNY Discretionary Lump Sum Payments (DLP and DLS) for Fall 2011 and Spring 2012
No. SU-181 11/03/11 October 1, 2007 and October 1, 2008 Stipend Increases for Employees Represented by the Graduate Student Employees Union (GSEU)
No. SU-180 08/24/11 Leap Year Salary Calculation for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 for SUNY CAL and CYF Employees
No. SU-179 08/24/11 Restoration of Contract Pay and Additional Pay for SUNY 21P Employees, Payment of CAL & 21P Employees in the 2011-2012 Semesters, Termination of Summer Session Jobs
No. SU-178 06/03/11 Procedures for Processing SUNY 2011 Summer Session Payments
No. SU-177 12/30/10 Expiration of the HIRE Act
No. SU-176 11/09/10 SUNY Discretionary Lump Sum Payments (DLP and DLS) for Fall 2010 and Spring 2011
No. SU-175 11/05/10 2010 UUP 1% Discretionary Increase
No. SU-174 11/01/10 Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE Act)
No. SU-173 08/20/10 Expanded Eligibility for SUNY 403(b) Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plans
No. SU-172 08/20/10 Restoration of Contract Pay and Additional Pay for SUNY 21P Employees, Payment of CAL & 21P Employees in the 2010-2011 Semesters, Termination of Summer Session Jobs
No. SU-171 08/18/10 United University Professions (UUP) Dues Structure Change
No. SU-170 07/19/10 2010 Discretionary Increase for SUNY Management Confidential (M/C) Employees in Bargaining Unit 13
No. SU-169 07/02/10 2010 4% General Salary Increase for SUNY Professional Services Unit
No. SU-168 05/25/10 Procedures for Processing SUNY 2010 Summer Session Payments
No. SU-167 02/03/10 Change in Eligibility for AFLAC Voluntary Supplemental Insurance Program for Certain SUNY Employees
No. SU-166 11/23/09 SUNY Discretionary Lump Sum Payments (DLP and DLS) for Fall 2009 and Spring 2010
No. SU-165 11/02/09 2009 UUP 1% Discretionary Increase
No. SU-164 08/28/09 New Deduction Code 424 (SUNY NRA Scholarship Payments)
No. SU-163 08/07/09 Restoration of Contract Pay and Additional Pay for SUNY 21P Employees, Payment of CAL & 21P Employees in the 2009-2010 Semesters, Termination of Summer Session Jobs
No. SU-162 08/07/09 Establishment of New Earnings Program for SUNY Employees with Biweekly (BIW) Pay Basis Code
No. SU-161 08/04/09 Participation in the Voluntary Reduction in Work Schedule (VRWS) Program for Employees in Bargaining Unit 08
No. SU-160 06/26/09 Standby/On-Call Pay and Recall Pay for SUNY UUP
No. SU-159 06/05/09 2009 3% General Salary Increase for SUNY Professional Services Unit
No. SU-158 05/20/09 Procedures for Processing SUNY 2009 Summer Session Payments
No. SU-157 03/23/09 2009 Discretionary Increases for SUNY Management Confidential (M/C) Employees in Bargaining Unit 13
No. SU-156 01/08/09 Change in Narrative Description and Eligibility for Deduction Code 415
No. SU-155 12/16/08 Automated Transfer of Deduction Code 405 (TIAA Special Annuity) to Deduction Code 404 (Supplemental Ret Annuity Program)
No. SU-154 12/08/08 January 1, 2009 Increase to Location Pay and Mid-Hudson Location Pay for Employees Represented by SUNY Professional Services Unit
No. SU-153 11/18/08 SUNY Discretionary Lump Sum Payments (DLP and DLS) for Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 and a Retroactive 3% Adjustment for the 2007-2008 Payment
No. SU-152 10/29/08 2008 UUP 1% Discretionary Increase
No. SU-151 08/25/08 Non-Leap Year Salary Calculation for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 for SUNY CAL and CYF Employees
No. SU-150 08/08/08 Restoration of Contract Pay and Additional Pay for SUNY 21P Employees, Payment of CAL & 21P Employees in the 2008-2009 Semesters, Termination of Summer Session Jobs
No. SU-149 07/14/08 January 1, 2008 $500 Lump Sum Payment for Certain Part -Time Employees Represented by United University Professions (UUP)
No. SU-148 06/25/08 January 1, 2008 $500 Salary Increase for Certain Employees Represented by United University Professions (UUP)
No. SU-147 06/25/08 2008 3% General Salary Increase and Other Increases for SUNY Professional Services Unit
No. SU-146 06/25/08 2007 3% Retroactive General Salary Increase and Other Increases for SUNY Professional Service Unit
No. SU-145 06/02/08 Procedures for Processing SUNY 2008 Summer Session Payments
No. SU-144 05/15/08 SUNY Discretionary Lump Sum Payments (DLP and DLS) for Fall 2007 and Spring 2008
No. SU-143 03/26/08 2008 Discretionary Increases for SUNY Management Confidential (M/C) Employees in Bargaining Unit 13
No. SU-142 02/29/08 Discretionary Increases for SUNY Management Confidential (M/C) Employees in Bargaining Units 13 and 40
No. SU-141 10/03/07 UUP 1% Discretionary Increase
No. SU-140 09/05/07 New Deduction Code 536 (Liberty Mutual Insurance)
No. SU-139 08/21/07 Leap Year Salary Calculation for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 for SUNY CAL and CYF Employees
No. SU-138 07/24/07 Restoration of Contract Pay and Additional Pay for SUNY 21P Employees, Payment of CAL & 21P Employees in the 2007-2008 Semesters, Termination of Summer Session Jobs
No. SU-137 06/21/07 $800 Salary Increase for SUNY Professional Services Unit
No. SU-136 05/29/07 Procedures for Processing SUNY 2007 Summer Session Payments