No. SU-285 |
10/25/19 |
United University Professions (UUP) Dues Increase |
No. SU-284 |
10/25/19 |
SUNY Discretionary Lump Sum Payments (DLP and DLS) for Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 |
No. SU-283 |
10/16/19 |
October 2019 Stipend Increase for GSNU Employees Represented by the Communications Workers of America/Graduate Student Employees Union (CWA/GSEU) |
No. SU-282 |
09/27/19 |
April 2019 State University of New York (SUNY) Management and Confidential (M/C) Retroactive Discretionary Salary Increase |
No. SU-281 |
09/19/19 |
SUNY Recruitment and Retention Payments for GSNU Employees Represented by the Communications Workers of America/Graduate Student Employees Union (CWA/GSEU) |
No. SU-280.1 |
09/05/19 |
Increase to On-Call Pay for PSNU Employees Represented by the United University Professions (UUP) |
No. SU-280 |
08/20/19 |
Increase to On-Call Pay for PSNU Employees Represented by the United University Professions (UUP) |
No. SU-279 |
08/19/19 |
Leap Year Salary Calculation for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 for SUNY CAL and CYF Employees |
No. SU-278 |
08/16/19 |
•Restoration of Contract Pay and Additional Pay for SUNY 21P employees, •Payment of CAL and 21P Employees in the 2019-2020 Semesters, •Termination of Summer Session Jobs |
No. SU-277 |
06/26/19 |
2019 Salary Increase for PSNU Employees Represented by the United University Professions (UUP) |
No. SU-276 |
06/03/19 |
2019 SUNY Summer Session Payments |
No. SU-275 |
05/30/19 |
New York State Payroll System (PayServ) – SUNY Fiscal Year End Rollover of Position Pool Chart of Accounts |
No. SU-274 |
01/31/19 |
Two-Year Look Back for Tier 6 SUNY Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) |
No. SU-273 |
01/22/19 |
Discretionary Lump Sum Payments for State University of New York (SUNY) Management and Confidential (M/C) Employees |
No. SU-272 |
01/22/19 |
State University of New York (SUNY) Management and Confidential (M/C) Retroactive Discretionary Salary Increases |
No. SU-271 |
01/07/19 |
2017 State University of New York (SUNY) Management and Confidential (M/C) $600 Lump Sum Payment |
No. SU-270 |
12/21/18 |
United University Professions (UUP) Change in Dues Structure |
No. SU-269 |
12/19/18 |
New York State Paid Family Leave Program for United University Professions (UUP) and Management/Confidential (SUNY M/C) |
No. SU-268 |
12/11/18 |
2018 UUP 1% Discretionary Lump Sum Payments |
No. SU-267 |
12/03/18 |
2018 Retroactive Salary Increase for PSNU Employees Represented by the United University Professions (UUP) |
No. SU-266 |
11/08/18 |
2016 and 2017 Retroactive Salary Increases for PSNU Employees Represented by the United University Professions (UUP) |
12/05/18 |
No. SU-265 |
10/29/18 |
SUNY Discretionary Lump Sum Payments (DLP and DLS) for Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 |
12/05/18 |
No. SU-264 |
10/03/18 |
2017 United University Professions (UUP) $600 Lump Sum Payment |
No. SU-263 |
09/25/18 |
SUNY Recruitment and Retention Payments for GSNU Employees Represented by the Communications Workers of America/Graduate Student Employees Union (CWA/GSEU) |
No. SU-262 |
09/25/18 |
October 2018 Stipend Increase for GSNU Employees Represented by the Communications Workers of America/Graduate Student Employees Union (CWA/GSEU) |
No. SU-261 |
08/28/18 |
New 403(b) After Tax Deferred Annuity Plan (ROTH) for SUNY Employees |
No. SU-260 |
08/20/18 |
Updated Procedures for Initiating or Terminating Payroll Deductions for Union Dues |
No. SU-259 |
08/02/18 |
Restoration of Contract Pay and Additional Pay for SUNY 21P Employees, Payment of CAL and 21P Employees in the 2018-2019 Semesters, and Termination of Summer Session Jobs |
No. SU-258 |
05/17/18 |
New York State Payroll System (PayServ) – SUNY Fiscal Year End (FYE) Rollover of Position Pool Chart of Accounts |
No. SU-257 |
04/27/18 |
2018 SUNY Summer Session Payments |
No. SU-256 |
04/25/18 |
April 2018 State University of New York (SUNY) Management and Confidential (M/C) Discretionary Parity Salary Increase |
No. SU-255 |
12/20/17 |
Two-Year Look Back for Tier 6 SUNY TIAA Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) |
No. SU-254 |
12/04/17 |
SUNY Discretionary Lump Sum Payments (DLP and DLS) for Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 |
No. SU-253 |
11/24/17 |
SUNY Downstate Location Stipend for GSNU Employees Represented by the Communications Workers of America/Graduate Student Employees Union (CWA/GSEU) |
No. SU-252 |
11/24/17 |
SUNY Recruitment and Retention Payments for GSNU Employees Represented by the Communications Workers of America/Graduate Student Employees Union (CWA/GSEU) |
No. SU-251 |
11/21/17 |
Modification to State University of New York (SUNY) Tax Deferred Annuity Plan (TDA) |
No. SU-250 |
10/11/17 |
October 2016 and October 2017 Stipend Increase for GSNU Employees Represented by the Communications Workers of America/Graduate Student Employees Union (CWA/GSEU) |
No. SU-249 |
08/14/17 |
Restoration of Contract Pay and Additional Pay for SUNY 21P Employees, Payment of CAL and 21P Employees in the 2016-2017 Semesters , Termination of Summer Session Jobs |
No. SU-247 |
06/22/17 |
New York State Payroll System (PayServ) – SUNY Fiscal Year End (FYE) Rollover of Position Pool Chart of Accounts |
No. SU-248 |
06/02/17 |
2017 SUNY Summer Session Payments |
06/02/17 |
No. SU-246 |
05/19/17 |
April 2017 State University of New York (SUNY) Management and Confidential (M/C) Discretionary Parity Salary Increase |
No. SU-245 |
02/16/17 |
New Voluntary Deduction Code For United University Professions (UUP) Legal Service By Hyatt Legal Group Services (A Met Life Company) |
No. SU-244 |
01/04/17 |
Two-Year Look Back for Tier 6 SUNY TIAA Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) |
01/04/17 |
No. SU-243 |
11/03/16 |
2016 Discretionary Award for PSNU Employees Represented by the United University Professions (UUP) |
No. SU-242 |
10/27/16 |
SUNY Discretionary Lump Sum Payments (DLP and DLS) for Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 |
No. SU-241 |
08/11/16 |
Factor Change for Fiscal Year 2016-17 for SUNY CAL and CYF Employees |
No. SU-240 |
08/11/16 |
Restoration of Contract Pay and Additional Pay for SUNY 21P Employees, Payment of CAL and 21P Employees in the 2016-2017 Semesters, Termination of Summer Session Jobs |
09/06/16 |
No. SU-239 |
06/17/16 |
Repayment of SUNY United University Professions (UUP) Bargaining Unit 08 Deficit Reduction Plan (DRP) Reductions |
No. SU-238 |
06/09/16 |
2016 SUNY Discretionary Award for Management/Confidential Employees |
No. SU-237 |
06/06/16 |
New York State Payroll System (PayServ) – SUNY Fiscal Year End (FYE) Rollover of Position Pool Chart of Accounts |