This process reviews earnings balance adjustments made by OSC. It includes an employee's hour and gross earning balance adjustments on a month-to-date, quarter-to-date, and year-to-date basis. Beginning in 2003, the balances are split by employee record numbers for employees with multiple records.
Helpful Hints
- This page is for display only; fields can be viewed, but changes cannot be made to them.
Viewing Earnings Balance Adjustments
Navigation Path
Main Menu > Payroll for North America > Periodic Payroll Events USA > Balance Reviews > Earnings
- Enter employee’s EMPLID.
- Click the Search button.
- Select the desired record. Records are in alphabetical order by Company.
- Click the Earnings Balance Adjustments tab.
- View the Earnings Balance Adjustments page.
The employee's earnings balance adjustments have been viewed using the Earnings Balance Adjustments page.