State Police

Payroll Bulletins (P-Bulletins)

Bulletin # Date Subject Status
No. SP-147 10/30/13 2013 State Police Expertise Pay
No. SP-146 05/22/13 2012-2013 State Police Fitness Bonus Payment
No. SP-145 05/22/13 2013 State Police Education Payment
No. SP-144 11/07/12 2012 State Police Holiday Bonus Payment
No. SP-143 10/29/12 2012 State Police Hazardous Duty Pay
No. SP-142 10/29/12 2012 State Police Expertise Pay
No. SP-141 05/16/12 Fitness Bonus Payment for State Fiscal Year 2011-12
No. SP-140 05/16/12 Education Payment for Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) and the NYS Police Investigators Association ((NYSPIA)
No. SP-139 11/14/11 2011 State Police Holiday Bonus Payment
No. SP-138 11/14/11 2011 State Police Expertise Pay
No. SP-137 11/14/11 2011 State Police Hazardous Duty Pay
No. SP-136 07/13/11 New York State Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA) Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase
No. SP-135 05/27/11 Fitness Bonus Payment for State Fiscal Years 2009-10 and 2010-11
No. SP-134 05/13/11 Education Payment for Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) and the NYS Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-133 03/30/11 Movement of Command Pay and Premium Overtime to Base Salary for State Police Senior Investigators
No. SP-132 02/23/11 Separation of Insurance Deduction Code 309 (PBA, NY Insurance)
No. SP-131 11/09/10 2010 State Police Holiday Bonus Payment
No. SP-130 11/09/10 2010 State Police Expertise Pay
No. SP-129 11/09/10 2010 State Police Hazardous Duty Pay
No. SP-128 08/06/10 Modification to Deduction Code 302, PBA Disability Insurance
No. SP-127 07/19/10 Retroactive April 1, 2010 Salary Increase for State Police Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA)
No. SP-126 07/19/10 Retroactive April 1, 2010 Salary Increase for State Police Employees Represented by the New York State Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-125 06/25/10 Police Benevolent Association of the New York State Troopers, Inc. Dues and Agency Shop Fee Structure Change
No. SP-124 06/15/10 New York State Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA) Dues and Agency Shop Fee Decrease
No. SP-123 05/27/10 Education Payment for Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) and the NYS Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-122 05/20/10 Police Benevolent Association (PBA) of the New York State Troopers, Inc. Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase
No. SP-121 05/20/10 2010 Salary Increase for State Police Employees Represented by the New York State Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-120 05/20/10 2010 Salary Increase for State Police Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA)
No. SP-119 03/23/10 April 1, 2010 Salary and Other Increases for State Police Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA)
No. SP-118 03/23/10 April 1, 2010 Salary and Other Increases for State Police Employees Represented by the New York State Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-117 12/09/09 New York State Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA) Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase
No. SP-116 11/17/09 2009 State Police Holiday Bonus Payment
No. SP-115 07/22/09 Police Benevolent Association (PBA) of the New York State Troopers, Inc. Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase
No. SP-114 07/15/09 April 1, 2007, April 1, 2008 and April 1, 2009 Retroactive Salary and Other Increases for State Police Employees Represented by the New York State Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA) AMENDED
No. SP-113 07/15/09 April 1, 2007, April 1, 2008 and April 1, 2009 Retroactive Salary and Other Increases for State Police Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA)
No. SP-112 06/24/09 New York State Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA) Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase
No. SP-111 05/21/09 Education Payment for Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) and the NYS Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-110 03/20/09 Modification to Deduction Code 302, PBA Disability Insurance
No. SP-109 02/17/09 Payment of Out-of-Title Work for Employees of the New York State Police Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA)
No. SP-108 02/11/09 Fitness Bonus Payment for Fiscal Year 2008-09
No. SP-107 11/13/08 2008 State Police Holiday Bonus Payment
No. SP-106 05/12/08 New York State Police Shift Change Half-Time Payment
No. SP-105 05/08/08 Education Payment for Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) and the NYS Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-104 04/02/08 Change in Narrative Descriptions for Fraternal Order Troopers Life and Fraternal Order Troopers IRA
No. SP-103 01/16/08 Fitness Bonus Payment for Fiscal Year 2007-08
No. SP-102 11/08/07 2007 State Police Holiday Bonus Payment
No. SP-101 06/04/07 Education Payment for Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) and the NYS Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-100 01/29/07 Fitness Bonus Payment for Fiscal Year 2006-07
No. SP-99 01/18/07 Modification to Deduction Code 302, PBA Disability Insurance
No. SP-98 11/22/06 2006 State Police Holiday Bonus Payment